Help please… referral to breast clinic

  • 2 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hello :) I’m new here and after perhaps some advice. I was referred to my local breast clinic after finding a small lump in my breast.

My appointment was a couple of days ago and I saw a doctor first who examined me and said she thought it was most likely nothing and small, and I’d have a mammogram and ultrasound, she’d ask them to give me my results there and then and then I could go home.

I had the mammogram, the person scanning didn’t tell me anything and then I had the ultrasound. The person scanning me there said it looked like I had a small fibrodenema and some very small cysts but got his colleague in to have a look.

They then decided they wanted to take a biopsy which they did and they also inserted a clip before I had another mammogram to check the clip/marker placement. They also mentioned it was their hospitals policy to give a biopsy to anyone over 35 presenting with a lump, but I’m just a bit confused as to why the doctor didn’t say that at the very start.

I then saw the doctor again who still said all looked fine and it was small and just a precaution and I’d get the results in 2 weeks. 

I think I’m just a bit worried as to why they needed to take the biopsy in the first place if they think all looks fine. Any friend I know who has had a lump that has turned out to be fine has had a mammogram and then been discharged then and there. 

I guess I was wondering if anyone else had a hospital that said it was policy to biopsy everyone presenting with a lump over 25?

Or if anyone else has any experience or advice they could offer me? Has anyone had a doctor say everything seems fine on ultrasound and mammogram and then it turn out not to be?

Thanks in advance if you read this.

  • Hi Sarah in 2017 I found a lump when I was 49. I went to my appointment at the breast clinic and the consultant examined me and said he didn't think it was cancer but they would check it. I had a mammogram  and ultrasound and biopsy and saw the consultant again who said he still didn't think it was cancer but thought it was a fibroadenoma but they would find out for definite once the biopsy results were back. I was very worried for the 2 weeks until I got the results but it was confirmed to be a fibroadenoma and they decided to remove it by surgery. This January I was recalled from a routine mammogram and went to the breast clinic for the checks again but this time the radiographer doing the ultrasound actually spoke to me after the scan and said I need to prepare you that I think it's cancer but we will have to wait for the biopsy results to be certain. I think she knew it was definitely cancer or wouldn't have said that it looked like it probably was. Whilst I know you will be very worried and scared I hope it will be a bit of comfort for you that they are very good at knowing when it is cancer or cysts or fibroadenomas by feel and by sight through years of experience. Sending hugs the waiting is awful xx

  • Mammograms and ultrasounds are graded on a scale up to 5 as to how likely the image looks to be cancer. Certainty comes from the biopsy. I have been through the clinic twice. The first time referred by the GP, they told me on the day they didn’t think it was cancer, a biopsy was taken and it wasn’t cancer. The second time was a recall from mammogram, they told me they thought it was cancer, and indeed it was.

    It’s tough waiting for results. Hoping for the best for you.