EC chemotherapy

  • 1 reply
  • 251 subscribers

Hi. I’m due to start EC in 2 weeks with 3 weekly cycles for the next 4-5 months. What’s people’s experiences of this in terms of side effects? Just trying to prepare myself for the worse. 

  • Hi  

    I had 3 cycles of EC with each one being 3 weeks apart. I found that I was tired for a couple of days afterwards and felt generally under the weather for about 10 days. Then I'd feel fine for the rest of the 3 weeks before I had my next chemo and then the same thing would happen again. 

    I tried to do a gentle walk each day and I think getting out and about definitely helped me. 

    Unfortunately, I started to lose my hair a short time after starting chemo and once it became obvious I got my husband to use his hair clippers and cut it to about 1cm all over. 

    I also lost my sense of taste after the first chemo but that gradually came back. I found that I could taste really spicy food and pineapple always tasted normal.

    I know I was lucky as I hardly had any side effects and I hope you'll be the same.


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