Treatment delay post lumpectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 270 subscribers


I had a lumpectomy on 7th March (++- IDC, 22mm, clear margins and no lymph node involvement). I was expecting an onco appointment pretty soon afterwards but have now found out it's not until 20th May. They now have the Prosigna results but I don't know the outcome.

I'm really concerned about the delay as had understood radiotherapy (assuming that is next but pending Prosigna) normally starts 4-8 weeks post lumpectomy and my first appointment is not until 10 weeks (assume another month on top for actual treatment).  Is there an increased risk of the delay? Can I ask to bring the appointment earlier and can I ask for my test results before the appointment?

  • I’m in a similar boat. I had my lumpectomy 12 weeks ago and am just meeting my oncologist tomorrow. I expressed similar concerns but was told there were no appointments sooner and it would be fine. It’s felt like a long wait but I have had to try and remember that there is nothing I can do about it and at least the cancer was removed in surgery. I’m expecting that there will be an additional wait between seeing the oncologist tomorrow and actually getting a radiotherapy date. I felt so frantic about this about  6 weeks ago but now I feel like Ive just given up all fight

    You could try calling and asking for your test results. . 

  • Achillea, not sure what your financial situation is. But if it’s feasible you could see if your oncologist does private work - that way you could see them quickly. They should still be able refer you back to NHS for treatment. Just a thought - appreciate that might not be an option.