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  • 249 subscribers

Hi. I have recently had surgery and the doctors are recommending chemotherapy and radiotherapy. What chemotherapy drugs have you had and what side effects did you have? I am due to see the oncologist but wanted some advice as to how people have found it. 

  • Hi. RKD

    I was given TC Chemo for 4 cycles. The T part of the chemo was a drug called Taxotere and the C part of the drug was cyclophosphamide. It was given in two separate infusions. I had very few side effects from the drugs. I felt sick a few times and had a couple of bouts of diarrhoea and as the treatment progressed I felt tired. I was given anti-sickness tablets which I took and they made me feel better.. Everyone’s experience of chemo is different and I won’t say that it’s easy but it is doable.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your appointment and with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi

    I am having Docetaxol and Carboplatin. 
    Everyone’s side effects are different even on the same chemo as I have learned talking to other patients during my treatment.

    The worst side effect for me has been the changes to my mouth - awful taste for two weeks after treatment. Everything tastes awful but for me carbs like potatoes and bread are totally uneatable. Even the texture of them is disgusting.

    chicken is a no no, again the texture is disgusting and the taste awful.

    The foods I can tolerate during the two weeks are grapes, olives, really spicy fish dishes like chilli flavoured prawns, lemon flavoured drinks, Pepsi max and ice cream. So I am sure you can imagine by the end of the two weeks I’m hungry.

    I tolerate it because I want the best chance of survival, but I seriously hope I never have to have chemo once I have finished my planned sessions 6 in total. I have had 4 over 12 weeks and have two sessions left.

    I have had constipation and diahorea however I now know when I need to start and stop taking laxatives.