Burning skin nerve sensation

  • 2 replies
  • 249 subscribers

Not sure where to post this but has anyone had burning skin nerve sensation, acoss collarbone, up front of neck and down left arm.

Hav "e been on multiple occasions to the doctors, had lung X ray and full spine MRI, both of which had no findings.

Doctor examined left breast and said she could'nt feel any lumps, and to quote  her"I am happy with that".

My mind is in turmoil, and the upper left side of my body is a burning skin nerve pain.

Can any of you help me with this please.

  • Hi, I can't answer your question myself, but that sounds painful and I can understand your concern.  I noticed you've not had any responses yet and as the site is busy you've dropped off the first page. My response will bump you back up and I hope someone with similar experience will be along soon. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Request a referral to your local pain clinic. I’ve had Qtensa patches for nerve pain and they have really helped. Also had a pec block I jectio but that wasn’t as good. If there is a wait local anaesthetic plasters might be useful.

    Best wishes Sunflower