Pain 1.5 years after mastectomy and immediate implant reconstruction

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  • 282 subscribers


Does anyone still have pain after this time. 

My breast still aches at armpit and chest wall. Like it is bruised. Aches after doing anything repetitive.

Any advice would be gratefully received. Has anyone tried lidocaine apatches? 

  • Hi, I'm 2 years post single mastectomy, lymph node removal, I had immediate reconstruction then radiotherapy. I still get a lot of discomfort it feels like there is fine gravel in there, if that makes sense. I also get days where the are sharp pains too. 

    I've had post op reviews with surgeon and they see to say it's normal. 

    It's not nice to live with all the time tbh. 

    Sounds like you are experiencing the same. 

    Best wishes x 

  • Hi, I had mastectomy and node clearance followed by radiotherapy 15 months ago and still feel discomfort and tightness.  Didn’t have reconstruction    I started a gym group this week in the hope that exercise will help.  On the pull down bars, I had to stop as the pain was a worry to me.  I’m going to continue but will have the resistance very low on that machine until I get stronger.  it would seem that pain and discomfort is normal and lasts for a long time.  I’ve not tried idocaine so cannot comment on that.  I guess it’s something we have to live with unfortunately.  Best wishes M x

  • Hi there,

    I had exactly the same as you - mastectomy, node clearance (26 removed - NONE had cancer!?), reconstruction, with 'Becker' implant, followed by radiotherapy...I have been in pain ever since. It is not getting any better - in fact the pain is getting worse. I have been back to hospital so many times, asking for help, extra checks etc...Been told everything 'normal' cancer (thank goodness)...but pain is BAD. Sometimes (ofter) wakes me at night, and I'm often aware of it/uncomfortable in the daytime, too. Reluctantly having to take pain killers more often. The pain keeps me awake at night and sometimes it causes nausea and my whole body to judder.

    I'd had some kind of post-viral/auto-immune condition previously (CFS/ME) and had been worried about having an artificial implant. As I really did NOT want to 'go flat' (my strong preference), I'd requested autologous implant  (ie. DIEP) but was told wait was too long. I am now awaiting said operation. I am in more-or-less constant, chronic pain. 

    It actually really helps to hear other people are suffering the same as, I feel, I have been continually 'gas-lighted' by medics at hospital and GP cannot help.

    I've been branded as 'an anxious person'. In fact, I am 'anxious' because I am suffering chronic pain. 

    Ho hum!

  • Hi, I had a single mastectomy and lymph node removal 11 months ago. No reconstruction as had to have the expander removed after a month as it had been rejected and I had an infection. Then had 6 months of chemo and then 15 sessions of  radiotherapy. I have had constant sharp pain and tightness since I had the expander removed. It has got much worse since radiotherapy.

    I have tried physio, accupuncture, linfa drainage massage and swimming. No relief. I'm also having weekly injections into the scar area. Last week for the first time I had significant pain reief for 36 hours! I've read that castor oil rubbed directly into the scar and then covered with an organic cloth and  clingfilm for 30 minutes can help. I have adhesions which need to be broken down and apparently castor oil can do this. Have ordered it and will start using tomorrow, fingers crossed!

  • Let us know how you get on with the caster oil. I’m 15 months post treatment, mastectomy with no reconstruction, radiotherapy (5 sessions) and so fed up with this tightness. Did some hoovering yesterday and paid the price for it last night. No one has ever explained exactly what causes the tightness. I still do my stretches every morning but still can’t stretch my right arm as far as my left one. It’s so frustrating. I’d just like to know what causes it and what can I do to eventually get rid of it. Is it adhesions, is it fibrosis caused by rads, is it scar tissue that can be a massaged away, or is it caused by cutting away too much skin, muscle etc? Is it even possible to get rid of? Seems quite common so how come none of the experts can explain it?

  • Hi BethS,

    I so get your point regarding how come none of the experts can explain this tightness! I started complaining about this pain 10 months ago and all the oncologists keep bleeting on in the same way "Your scar has healed really well, everything looks good." When I'd say, over and over again, that what's underneath the scar is driving me nuts they'd all say "It's normal and will get better with time." I've done so much physio and all the stuff mentioned in my first post in this thread. With no improvement. Sorry, I'm woffling but will now get to the point!

    Recently I saw a new oncologist at the hospital and she called a pain relief doctor and I've been going to him for weekly injections ever since. I've had three injections so far and they are working. I have them every Tuesday and the pain relief has increased each time. First time a few hours, second time 36 hours and most recent one 48 hours. Huge difference! The injections are applied directly onto my scar, 5 areas and hurt for a fraction of a second and then it's pretty numb. The composition is Depomedrol 80 mg (steroid) and Carbocaina 200mg (anesthetic.) The pain relief doctor told me nerves had been damaged during surgery (apparently really common) and they need to regenerate. The injections are breaking up the adhesions and massage is useful to soften the scar tissue so will persevere with the physio.

    I've been applying the castor oil since Monday and will keep you posted on how it goes.

  • Toscana, wow, well done your persistence is paying off. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and others with similar x

  • Sounds promising. I’ll look into that when I get back from holiday. X