Can’t sleep following mastectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Since my mastectomy and lymph node clearance on Friday I have struggled to sleep due to the pain and not feeling comfortable. I usually sleep on my side (non cancer side) but that position hurts. I can’t sleep on my back either as pregnant. Any suggestions on comfortable sleep positions. 

  • Try a masectomy pillow. My friend bought me one from cancer pal. I can’t add the link but it’s a fairly firm heart shape pillow that supports where you need it. Worth a look x

  • Hiya, sorry to hear that you're struggling to sleep. I agree with CurlyKL, I had bilateral surgery last Tuesday 16th. The heart shaped cushions really help. I also got a wedge cushion from amazon,  which I use with pillows, helps to elevate my upper body and aids sleeping on my back comfortably.

    I hope you get more comfortable. Take care