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  • 283 subscribers

My consultant has recommended I start Zoledronate after Radiotherapy. He suggests infusion as the best method but I’m concerned about side effects. I don’t mean the longer term ones but what happens if there’s an immediate problem? I’m assuming it can’t simply be removed. Any advice welcome. 

  • I don’t have any specific experience of that, I have infusions of zoledronic acid without incident so far.  I have witnessed some allergic reactions to chemo though which are dealt with promptly by chemo nurses.  They stop treatment by turning off the drug into the cannula and administer other drugs, steroids etc, then restart treatment again but a bit slower than before.  Hope this helps. Xx

  • Thanks Mimosa. Every little bit of info helps. 

  • Hi, I have these infusions every 6 months. I had flu like side effects the day after the first one but all subsequent ones have been fine, no side effects at all. Best wishes 

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  • I think I forgot to add an update here. 
    The side effects from my first infusion were immediate and severe. Whilst the infusion was still going in I had really severe pain across the back of my head/top of my neck. It was as bad as the worst migraine I’ve ever had. 
    Ten minutes after leaving the clinic I started to shiver and within 30 minutes I had such bad shakes it felt like I was fitting.  
    I took a couple of dihydrocodeine which helped and 20 hours later, just as suddenly as the side effects started they stopped. 
    My conclusion? However awful it was, if it helps I’ll try again. It was horrible but next time I’ll know what to expect and will take painkillers in advance. 

  • Hi, I have e had one infusion I had bad pain in one leg could walk good for about a week I'm due another one which I think might do now coz I have been given tablets instead to take every day ibandronic acid but now thinking have infusion then done for six months