That ol' paranoia

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I was diagnosed with DCIS 10 years ago next month. Lumpectomy saw me with NED, but the tumour was Her2 and hormone positive. I was treated with Fec-T, Herceptin and Tamoxifen (5 years the 2½ of letrozole) 

I was discharged from oncology in the last month as I had been on a trial.

Following my cancer, I has some excessive bleeding with some thickening to the lining of the womb and subsequently had a hysterectomy. 

All has been well, but in the last month I have had some discomfort in the affected breast, initially it was itchy with some pain, but generally not so itchy now,I had 3 weeks treatment with a steroid ointment. I have an appointment tomorrow at the breast clinic, but I am really anxious. I have a lump under the skin below my breast and it is very sore, since Tuesday when i had a wired bra on, the lump is smooth and movable, so I'm thinking a simple fat lipoma, but it is sore and red today, so now I am worrying about metastasis to skin. I also have been having discomfort (rather than pain) in my collarbone and a similar discomfort in my shoulderblade on the same side, all in line with the nipple where the itch and discomfort started. 

Has anyone had anything similar? I feel like the paranoia I had with every little pain or niggle has come flooding back. Disappointed

  • Hi there, I can completely empathise, every little pain or niggle sends me into a spiral of concern.  I had what felt like a new lump (surgery 2 years ago) and I had it checked. After an ultrasound and MRI we concluded it was scar tissue, but the reassurance was superb.  My advice is always to get things checked out. And don't forget the lovely folks here at MacMillan are always at the end of the phone on 0800 808 0000 for a chat.  Best wishes 

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