Upset stomach after Herception Injection?

  • 6 replies
  • 246 subscribers

I had my third Herceptin injection last Thursday and felt fine. Yesterday morning I woke up with quite a sore stomach and diarhoea and am still affected today. I might have eaten something that disagreed with me on Tuesday but I don't know. Has anyone else had a stomach upset after Herceptin? 

  • Hi there, it's so difficult to tell isn't it, we're worried everything is related.  I never had any issues with my herceptin, but giving your BCN a call is always good if you're concerned. I hope that your stomach pain eased and you're feeling ok again now. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Yup, I’m on my 5th injection and have an upset stomach sometimes, pain rarely, diarrhoea often. I have ben going to the bathroom 5 times a day especially closer to the injections. Told doc. He said it’s normal and gave meds. Haven’t had the meds cause I can manage and I’m on enough as it is.

    I suggest you tell your consultant next time you meet but don’t worry about it

  • And just cause sometimes one needs to find the humour in it… my husband has become a champion of getting out of our only bathroom NOW! Joy

  • Hi Strand, daughter had constant digestive problems throughout chemo, including with Herceptin. Doctors were not surprised (sometimes I thought that if you told them your ear had dropped off, they would say 'it happens!') She had stomach cramps, diarrhea and urgency, but learned to manage it with immodium and coped. Hope you're improving now.

  • Thanks. Nice to know it's not just me!

  • Yep, that sounds familiar. Know what you mean about 'it happens!' It has improved, thanks.