What to expect from radiotherapy

  • 22 replies
  • 272 subscribers


I am going to be having 5 days of radiotherapy later this month and wanted to know a bit more about what to expect. In particular I’d like to know how long it takes people to feel better again afterwards.

thank you in advance for any experience you can share with me

  • I'm interested to know about how long before you feel ok afterwards as well I have my first session tomorrow, although I suspect the answer will be everyone differs. I'm wondering about going away for a holiday afterwards but worried I'll be too tired. Wonder if I should wait a few months.

  • Hi, my top tip for radiotherapy is to wear a vest top. Keep it on, minus the bra, when they ask you to get changed and then you can walk to to radiotherapy room with some sense of dignity and simply slip down the straps of the top for the treatment itself.

    The treatment itself is painless and quick. At the time I had no side effects at all, just some itching like mild sunburn.  It subsequently  made my breast quite tender and I do have mild lymphoedema which I am managing and that's a radiotherapy late effect. 

    best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • I had 15 days of radiotherapy. The treatment itself was ok. I did start to see my skin get darker but I kept on with the moisturising. What I didn’t realise was that my armpit would also be affected and no one really mentioned this and I found out the hard way in the my armpit burnt like hell towards the end. Has I known I would have done the same moisturising regime as I did with the breast. As a result skin in my armpit has broken down in several places and am using a gel they gave me. Unfortunately I also developed a skin infection around the nipple and am using a topical antibiotic for that too. I can not begin to describe the fatigue I felt and still feeling 14 days post radiation. Plus the emotional impact of it all especially after the treatment. I am in a “now what” state which I didn’t see coming and though I’m happy it’s over, I’m not really in a celebration mood if that makes sense. I was due to return to work next week but I’m nowhere near ready. Best wishes. 

  • All the best with your treatment. X

  • Liz o riordan , “ so now I’ve got breast cancer” podcast has an ep about it today  .  

  • I’m interested too. Having 5 days of RT over the BH weekend. Assured it will be as effective as 5 straight days but also told they are going to make me sore. I’m a J cup and have read to expect more side effects. Can I ask what moisturiser people found effective please to avoid skin problems. I’ve also been told to expect a RT bra - has anyone had this?

  • Thanks you too xx

  • Sorry to hear you are feeling like this Ruva I have a feeling I will feel like that too as I can't currently believe there is no more cancer in my body as I'm not eligible for a CT scan and I think that would give me some reassurance. Sending hugs x

  • I agree too. Still trying to take it in and wanted oncotype dx and mri but both refused. Good luck with RT everyone. We’ll get there xx

  • I had 5 days too. All very simple- arms up, about 15mins for the teeatment. No immediate reaction. Was careful to use tge gel they gave me 3 times a day and scentless moisturiser. Got worse gradually over 3 weeks; swelling, sore, so hot I had to sleep with my top half out of the covers. Found it very difficult to find a bra soft enough not to rub as skin sensitive. I did as they suggested and went braless a few days and ‘aired’ in the evening. 7 weeks later and skin still v sensitive, moisturiser v important and starting to get better. Wishing you well x