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Hi. I'm 9 years clear of bc and I've been on tamoxifen for the same amount of time after diagnosis at 39. Tolerated tamoxifen well but in the last couple of years had irregular bleeding which highlighted thickened endometrium, polyps and fibroids in uterus. For some reason couldn't get past gp to speak to encology for advice so came off tamoxifen. Still bleeding irregularly so had second scan and booked in for another hysteroscopy. Doctor has recommended goserelin initially with potential hysterectomy if it doesn't work. Both options scary but particularly concerned about links to low mood/depression with goserelin as experienced clinical depression about four years ago. Does anyone have experience of goserelin without any other adjuvant therapy? No idea what to expect in terms of side effects.

  • Hi  Goselin also known as zoledex, is a capsule that is injected into your tummy once every 4 weeks. It releases hormone blockers, that shut down the ovaries. In doing so it puts you into a menopausal state, the same way a hysterectomy does. I have been on zoledex now for 9 years. In all honesty, I wish they had just removed my ovary.

    Like the menopause, every one reacts differently. I too have suffered with depression over the years, but this did not get worse with zoledex. I found the hot flushes and joint pain to be the worst side effect for me. The longer I have been on it, the side effects have eased…..or I have just adjusted to them, I’m not sure. 

    All new medications are scary, I think you should have a chat with your GP who will know your previous medical history, so they can monitor your mental health whilst you try the zoledex. I think it’s important to remember you can stop the zoledex at any time, where as the side effects with a hysterectomy there are no going back from. 

    Good luck with it all. I don’t have breast cancer, mine is an endometrial sarcoma, but my treatment mirrors breast cancer treatment. Happy to chat at anytime. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • That's really helpful Chelle and it means a lot that you took the time to reply. I think it always feels lonely when you're dealing with something outwith the experience of friends and family so your response has made me feel a little less alone x