Just had results

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Had some results today , one week after my appointment and have been told my cancer is Estrogen driven and results as follows

ER positive 8

PR progesterone 4

HER 2 negative 

Hoping I don't have to wait too long for surgery and start my treatment can anyone give me anymore advice as I am finding it very difficult at the moment , sleepless nights etc and very tearful most of the time Unamused

  • Hello Gurn . The waiting is the worst . I’m sure you will hear this week about your treatment .

    , do you have a BCN you can contact to ask for timings in your area
    I had my lumpectomy yesterday and , although you can’t help being worried, it wasn’t as bad as I’d expected . I’ve never had surgery previously

  • Hi KLF, nice to hear from you I do have a navigator and been told the MDT meeting is on Wednesday next week so hope I don't have to wait too long after that , the breast cancer nurse said this morning if I haven't heard anything by the week after to call her to find out . It is nice to be in touch with people going through the same thing and wish you well x

  • Hi Gurn,

    So sorry that you've found yourself here. Totally understandable to be worried but you will be in the best hands. I was diagnosed with HER2 negative, PR8, ER8...biopsy results came back just before christmas...i had time with my family then managed a holiday away and then had my surgery on the 13th Jan...I had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal (they took 4 lymph nodes out) in January. The surgery and recovery was good. I'd never had surgery before but i found the lumpectomy totally doable...i was out running and walking about 2 weeks later and no problems...If they take any lymph nodes out they'll send those off for a biopsy too...the waiting for those results was hard so i would definitely say to keep yourself busy! 

    Hopefully after the MDT meeting next week you'll get to meet your consultant and maybe have an idea of dates etc. 

    Do contact your BCN's if you have any worries, that's what they are there for and they will absolutely look after you..and we are all here too!

    Look after yourself. xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply. So glad to hear all went well for you and it makes me feel better speaking to people that have been through the same . I will contact my BCN if I feel I need to. Take care xx

  • Hi  , wise words already, the waiting is definitely tortuous. We all react differently to the various stages of the cancer ‘experience’. For me, keeping busy was the best way of getting through that initial stage. I knew I’d have surgery so tried to focus on getting as much as possible up to date at work (I was a special needs teacher). The classroom stuff was relatively easy as my class were so ‘full on’, no moments to dwell on anything! But the paperwork was difficult to focus on but at least it kept me busy. Can remember the horrible nights though - I’d be so tired that I’d get to sleep ok but then that sickening sudden early hours wake up, back to the reality of a cancer diagnosis. No easy way of getting through it, somehow the days will pass, I certainly felt more able to cope once I had a date for the op. 
    Your diagnosis sounds similar to mine - I didn’t have a PR number but was ER8, HER2 negative. Had op, radiotherapy and hormone treatment (still popping the pills). Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Dear Gurn,

    I am just a little bit ahead of you on this journey. Had similar results given to me at the end of January and a lumpectomy  on 8th of February. I was amazed how straightforward the surgery was and I got home the same evening. I have just passed the six week mark post surgery and it has healed brilliantly. I was certainly tired the weeks after the operation, but I think it was just everything catching up on me emotionally more than anything. it is completely normal to be tearful… even if you tell yourself it may not be the worst kind, being given a cancer diagnosis is huge. 
    I am now waiting to start radiotherapy in a few weeks. I have decided not to take the hormone treatment which I have been prescribed for the next five years. I feel I would rather take the risk of the breast cancer recurring in the future than living with the side effects and potential risks of Tamoxifen and Anostrazole. it felt like a big decision to make, but I am at peace about it now.

    I hope you have good friends to chat with and getting all the support you need.  Wishing you all the best for your treatment xx

  • Thank you and I am keeping myself busy ,I volunteer at my local Barnados shop a couple of days and that takes my mind off things and I do aqua fit at the pool as in November last year I had a knee replacement . It is the nights I find the worst trying to sleep but can't help the thoughts that won't go away but hopefully when I get some more information as to when surgery might be etc it will help the anxiety. Sending hugs back xx

  • Hi Ninab, thank you so much for the reply and good to hear you are doing well . I have good support and just hope I don't have a long wait for surgery.  Wishing you all the best and sending positive thoughts x

  • I’m impressed . Running after 2 weeks ! 

  • Hi NinaB.

    Like you I was unsure about hormone therapy but decided to take anastrozole and to be fair apart from some joint pain I've had nothing I can't cope with. I also think it depends on your age. I'm 59 so have long finished the menopause. The worst part for me is waiting to start radiotherapy as my lumpectomy was in November and I've been told it will probably be another 6 to 8 weeks.

    Take care xx