EC and cold capping

  • 7 replies
  • 266 subscribers


I have spent 12 weeks cold capping with Paclitaxol and had no hair loss.  Just started 3 weekly EC ( 2 sessions in) and now hair coming out.  Anyone have experienced of losing all hair or maybe just thinning during EC while using cool cap? I do know it’s stronger so was expecting it but annoying to get this far enduring cold cap and now to start losing hair.  TIA 

  • Hi Claire1067

    Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that are having treatment for breast cancer. While I don’t have the experience you are looking for I noticed that you haven’t had any answers yet so I thought I’d reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion. Hopefully som3one will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Claire1067, well done for cold capping throughout your paclitaxol and continuing into your EC. Yes EC is much harsher on hair loss. I had EC first and lost about 80% of my hair. When I switched to docetaxel it started growing back. If you can persevere through EC too. Whilst it may not help prevent you losing some or all of your hair it helps the follicles and with the regrowth. Everyone is different and some just have thinning whilst other loose most or all. If you find that you have some bald areas they can give you a surgical cap to wear underneath to help so it’s not as painful on the balder areas. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thanks that is really useful advice and think I will persevere for the last  two sessions with cold cap.  Lots of hair coming out but still seem to have a head full so hopefully will keep some.  

  • Hi Claire1067

    I'm having EC chemo every 3 weeks and am 5 out of 6 down!  I have cold capped throughout treatment.  Hate every minute of it but wanted the best chance of keeping my hair.  Unfortunately my hair has always been very fine and not a lot of it so I was at a disadvantage from the start!  I've persevered and lost probably about 60-70% of my hair.  It started falling out on day 13 of my first cycle and that's when I lost the majority of it.  I had my hair cut in a short bob after that and have only experienced minor shedding since then.  It is very thin on top and doesn't look the best but I have avoided wearing a wig or scarf.  I wash it twice a week and use a root colour spray which helps.  

    I have read that it has been scientifically proven that cold capping will help with regrowth, which was an important factor in deciding to persevere with cold capping.  I have my final EC next Thursday and have high hopes that my hair will start to grow back quickly!  

    If anyone out there has experience of hair regrowth after EC then I would love to hear from you! 

    Good luck with your treatment.


  • Ah thank you.  Great to hear your experiences and yes I think I will persevere however much I hate it. I have been using Daniel Field products ( specifically developed for use with cold cap) , I dont actually how much they have helped but they  do a hair growth product which might be worth trying.  Good luck with your last EC and thanks for your advice.  

  • Hi Claire,

    I hope you are well and have finished your chemotherapy treatment now?

    I am following the same treatment plan as you and soon to start E.C and wondered how you got on with the cold capping and hair loss? 
    Also could I please ask what your hair is like? Mine is quite curly but not necessarily thick.


  • Hi Sophie 

    Thanks for your message. Yes chemo all finished and have just had surgery so recovering from that now.

    So I did lose quite a lot of hair on EC and has only just stopped coming out.  I seemed to have lost the length though with still my head covered.  When tied back no one really notices but I hardly have any length, just a few wispy bits. It was shoulder length before straight and quite fine.  It does look a mess but glad I still have kept most of it with no bald patches.  It’s regrowing now so will probably have it cut short to neaten it up.  Good luck with your treatment and hope the cold cap works for you. x