Joys of turning 50! Diagnosed after first mammogram.

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  • 268 subscribers

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in early November after going for my first breast screening in October (the joys of turning 50!). It was picked up at the primary stage, some of it precancerous but quite widespread. In January I underwent a mastectomy and TRAM flap reconstruction, so now have a new boob and flatter stomach (although my new belly button is slightly off centre!). I currently take Letrozole and Zoladex which have given me very unpredictable hot flushes, regular stripping off of jumper required. In April I have to go for 5 radiotherapy treatments, a small operation on my other breast in May to remove abnormal cells and hopefully I’ll be cancer free. I am healing well although I’m a bit fed up at times and I’m watching a lot of tv and I mean a lot!! Today I have a dressing check in one hospital and a radiotherapy planning CT scan in another, and tomorrow a review with my Plastic Surgeon. I am grateful of the breast screening offered as without it I’m not sure when my cancer would be found. 

  • Hi Jen_3

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your treament.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks Daisy53, I am just taking one step at a time. All is going well so far. 

  • Hi, whilst it's tough to be diagnosed, it's good that yours was picked up early through screening. Best wishes for the next phase of your treatment 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you it just shows you the importance of the screening. 

  • Hi Jen 

    sorry to hear of your diagnosis . Glad they found it early but it is such a shock and the cancer diagnosis is difficult to come to terms with. 

    I too had my first mammogram in October and have been diagnosed with an invasive Ductal carcinoma in my Right breast . No symptoms or lump and would never have known it was there without the screening . I have 2 areas to be removed and my surgery is planned for wed next week . I am having a therapeutic mammoplasty and a reduction in the left breast for symmetry.. I am so nervous about the surgery . How did you manage ? Feel like I’ve had too much time to worry about it !  Look forward to hearing from you 

  • Hi Bella yeah it is a bit of a shock. I knew something was wrong when I went back for the biopsies. I could tell by the way they were talking to me and the length of time it was taking. You couldn’t feel anything in my breast either. I kept myself busy, working up until a couple of days before surgery. So it gave me very little time to think about it. I’m sure everything will go smoothly for you in hospital and wishing you a speedy recovery x 

  • Thank you . I wish you well too . I will be glad when tomorrow is past .. 

  • Hi, I had a therapeutic mammoplasty last September and the pain afterwards was minimal and controlled with paracetamol only. I healed really quickly and was out walking the day after surgery. I’m 6 months post surgery and radiotherapy and really pleased with the results. 
    good luck with your treatment.

  • Hi Shoppinglady 

    that is so reassuring to hear. I’m currently in hospital overnight and to have surgery first thing . Was hoping to see the surgeon and anaesthetist today but likely to be tomorrow. Trying my best toBlusheep calm .. thank you for replying to my post much appreciated.. Good luck and good health to you too Blush

  • Thinking of you for the morning Bella, all the very best, ask for extra gin in the drip Kissing heartKissing heart