Just found out I need chemo :(

  • 4 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hello everyone!

So today my breast care nurse called me to tell me that my pro signa test has come back scoring high and I’ve been told I definitely need chemo.  I will be getting an appointment to see the oncologist in the next week who will go through everything with me.

Ive tried not to read too much about chemo because to be honest it really scares me!

Are there any questions or things I should ask the oncologist?

Are there better chemos to have or does everyone have the same thing?

Any help or advice would be really appreciated.

Thanks Helen x

  • Hi!

    I'm so sorry you've found yourself here....It sounds like i'm in a very similar boat to you. My prosigna test came back high too so i start chemo tomorrow!! I'm going to have 3 rounds of EC and then 3 rounds of Docetaxel which from what i can gather is fairly standard...there are varitaions on this, some have Paclitaxel instead of Docetaxel and some have TC? I think it depends on your type of cancer, your oncologist and your hospital..hopefully your oncolgist will explain a little more when you see them next week and they'll explain your treatment plan. 

    Weirdly i feel comforted about starting chemo as i know from the prosigna i need it so throwing everything i can at this will hopefully give me the best chance of it not coming back..the buckles and braces approach. The hard part was waiting for the results to come back, that was so hard....i strangely feel better now there's a plan in place even though the score wasn't quite what i wanted..

    so yeah i start tomorrow so feel free to reach out if you want to know about anything once i've started although from friends i know who have also been through very similar treatment they've all had totally different side effects from the same drug so i guess you don't know how you're going to fair until you've started! Everyone is diffferent.... Praying i can get through it all relatively unscathed....and i hope you will too.

    Hope the appt next week goes well and you feel happy with the plan. Let me know how you get on. Sending lots of postiive vibes and strength your way. xx

  • You are so kind spending the time to reply to me! Yes I hated waiting too! I’m due to see an oncologist soon so I think I will feel better once I’ve spoken to them. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way too. H x

  • If it’s any consolation I started my chemo 2 weeks ago. (EC T)

    While I felt some nausea and upset tummy for 3-4 days and have been tired it hasn’t been as awful as I feared ( so far!) I know everyone’s experience can be different but it’ seems that not everyone has a rough time. I was borderline for chemo and given the choice. While it wasn’t something I was looking forward to I believe that it could give an improved outcome and it would be foolish to turn down the ‘extra insurance’ to be rid of this thing! 
    its 16 weeks- then hopefully a lot more confidence going forward. 
    Hope all goes well x

  • I hope it continues to go well for you x