Everything tastes disgusting and feels awful in my mouth due to chemo

  • 12 replies
  • 269 subscribers

I am really struggling. I have had my 2nd cycle of Docetaxil, Carboplatin and Phesgo.  Everything tastes like acid and feels like gritty glass in my mouth.  I can tolerate cola to drink - really smooth ice cream.  
Is there anything I can do to take this taste and feeling out of my mouth.

thank you x

  • Hi, I had this and it's difficult to describe but I found it quite debilitating. I could tolerate cucumber, flavoured tonic water and pineapple juice. Hope these ideas help. And I hope it passes soon for you, best wishes 

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  • I didn’t find anything unfortunately, I had the same regime.  Some foods were worse than others, bread for example was really bitter.  Was always bad first week following treatment, but did improve slightly after that.  Orange juice was always good for me.  Only suggestion I can give you is to try a variety of foods and see which works for you.  You will get back to normal I know it is difficult at the moment.  Wishing you all the best. X

  • Aw I know the feeling well…but it will pass..week 1& bit of 2 were worst then taste came back a bit week 3…hang on in there..x

    watermelon was quite nice I found & orange juice  .. and Vimto squash.. but I found each cycle was different… one day all I could stand was a bovril cube with hot water! 
    it’s horrible but push through x sending positive thoughts x

  • I’m on the same meds, last session on Tuesday. Things I liked were ice cream and lollies, all the melon, yoghurts, smoothies, milkshakes, cereal, custard, rice pudding. Hope you can stomach some of these, I seemed to crave all the beige foods in week 2. Just go with it, it will be over soon xx

  • Thank you. Four more cycles to go Cry

  • Thank you. It is when you really fancy something - knowing how it should taste and it just tastes awful xx

  • Hi, I am facing the exact same at the moment. Had 2nd lot of docetaxil and carboplatin last week and as before this seems to come on about 2/3 days after treatment. Everything I eat/ drink tastes foul and I’ve always got a really disgusting taste in my mouth, to the point it makes me feel quite nauseous most of the time. The only things I’ve found to eat so far to help alleviate is pineapple chunks, melon chunks (if you can get them really cold in the fridge it’s better). Weirdly I can also have packet chicken noodle soup ( doesn’t taste of much but at least it’s not too disgusting). Have also had super noodles with a load of extra curry powder added to help the taste. I can’t be doing my insides much good but my reckoning is it’s better to eat something so am ignoring the salt/ sugar levels at the mo.  Have also found really fizzy water (soda water) slightly more palatable than still. Hope yours subsides quickly. 

  • It’s awful because if I don’t eat my digestive tract feels like it’s burning.  I have found out if the three week cycle I have just over a week of food almost tasting as it should.  For Mother’s Day my daughter bought me lemonade ice lollies, lemon sorbet snd vanilla ice cream and a lemon flavoured cordial drink, all were very welcome.  Grapes from the fridge are quite nice and lemon flavoured boiled rice.


  • Coming to this late, but for me this was one of the most debilitating side effects. I craved odd things but went with it, one time my ability to taste salt went, then everything was bitter. I craved cheese and onion crisps, pickled red onion and the vinegar it was in, went off red meats but could eat Jacket potato and tuna and chicken curry. Coffee was foul so lived on blackcurrant juice and tea and water. I did find sucking ice cubes whilst receiving the chemo helped a bit. Fortunately taste comes back fine once you finish and sometimes on the good week, taste was better.