Pertuzumab, trastuzumab and docetaxel treatment experiences

  • 9 replies
  • 270 subscribers

Hi All, 

I am 34 and got diagnosed with hormone negative, HER2 positive breast cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes late November. 

I have completed three rounds of EC chemo, but am moving on to Pertuzumab, trastuzumab and docetaxel tomorrow and I am feeling really nervous. My oncologist said that this type of chemo can be 'tougher', I just wondered what other peoples experiences have been. 

Also, if anyone just wants to chat, it feels so isolating going through this experience, especially while young! 

Sending my best to all of you :) 


  • Hey

    i I had the same treatment regime as you and have my last docetaxel in December. I found it a bit tougher going than the EC but that may just have been the cumulative effects of the chemo overall. I was glad when it was over. However... it wasn't anything I (or you!) couldn't handle! I took things easy and rested when I needed to. It's already a distant memory now and I feel back to my normal self (almost !). 

  • Hi Louise89, I have 4 x EC and 4 x Docetaxel with Phesgo injections (Pertuzumab and trastuzumab) I only found this slightly tougher as I had to do 5 days worth of filgrastim injection's. It was that that made me feel shattered for the first week after each treatment. I would just chill on the sofa after doing bits and bobs in between just so I kept myself mobile. 
    Wishing you all the best 

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x 

  • Hi

    I am 43 and was diagnosed with HER2 positive in June 22. I had 6 rounds of Docetaxet and Carboplatin alongside 18 rounds of Tratuzamab and Pertuzamab. 

    For me the first round was probably the hardest and I think it was mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. I would say it was all manageable. 
    My main side effects were tiredness, bloating and weird taste in my mouth(but I think that’s because of carboplatin) 

    I would always say that it was harder mentally than physically but you have a lot of support around, like macmillan etc. 

    I am happy to chat anytime if you’d like Slight smile

    Lots of hugs 


  • Hi I don’t know what ec is but I’ve just completed my 6th cycle of exactly the same treatment. I’m not going to lie I’ve found it tough but I’ve got through it. I have a break now to recover before surgery. I will say that I had a mri and the results looks very positive so far and the tumour has reduced massively. Don’t know about lymph nodes yet until pathology comes back after surgery which is scheduled for 12th April. But it seems that this combination although tough is affective and that’s what you need to stay focused on. 

    ask me anything although I’m pretty grotty now for next 2 weeks. But then I’ll pick up. 

    you can do it. X

  • Sorry to hear you’ve joined this gang…. I was diagnosed with same in Aug but I went straight onto Docetaxel & carb (x6 sessions)  & am having Phesgo jabs (herceptin) for a year ..   finished the chemo in early jan & had op late jan (still waiting for histology results from lab!!)..  Anyway.. yes same as Veronique re: chemo…. Yes it feels rubbish week 1 and bit of week 2 but by 3rd week I felt more normal … you can do it! I’m now feeling back to old self re/ appetite etc…. It is tough at the time but now it’s a faded memory & it’s was only a few months ago really..   if you have any more questions feel free to message ..good luck xx 

  • I have been diagnosed with the same as u I am going for second round of ec this Friday the 5 day injections was the worst for me new to all this so don't know what to expect her2 positive and lymph nodes chemo first then mri to see if tumour shrunk for surgery after 6 rounds

  • I will be going through the same as u I have only done 1 round of ec chemo up to now x

  • Hi again Louise89

    as a quick update to my reply to you.. I’ve today had my post op results and it’s great news.. the chemo had completely destroyed the tumour & no cancer was detected at all in the breast that I had removed, nor in the lymph nodes so the docytaxel did its job! Hope that gives you some hope & encouragement! Good luck x