Help related chemo

  • 3 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hello everyone , new to the group and don't really know much about the treatments, I am 35 year old , just observed big lump in my breast with no other signs at all went to GP n then process took 2+ months and had my surgery done (lumpectomy) . Its stage 3 ,grade 3 breast cancer with strong er ,pr positive and her 2 negative n tumor was 5.5cm,  all lymph nodes(28) removed out of which 9 infected. There is no spread to the organs. 

 Suggested treatment is chemo then radiotherapy n harmone 

Chemotheraphy involves

Epirubicin cyclophosphamide ( 3 *3 weeks)

Docetaxol (3*3 weeks)

I am really worried about chemotherapy, plus its been 3+ months since i found the lump. please any suggestion n anything which will help me with the chemo process is welcome.

Thanks in  advance 

  • Hi, I had a different chemo cocktail to you, but there were still a number of things I wished I’d known beforehand,  I noted them in this blog post (Chemo blog link) and you might find it useful. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you so much for sharingPray

  • Hi I'm 37 and have basically the same diagnosis as you except mine hadn't spread to my lymphnodes. I was on the same cocktail of chemo and have literally just finished my 4th cycle. Chemo is tough but you can get through it. Takes a couple hours for your cocktail. Cyclo is injected that one takes 10 mins gives you the weird nose sensation like youve inhaled water. Dox is on a drip for an hour. I found the week after chemo was the worst for symptoms then by end of week I started to feel more human again. Definitely drink loads of water before, during and after your treatment to flush the toxins as much you can. Be honest about symptoms with your chemo nurses to get help I needed omenziprole to help with heartburn and also needed sleeping tablets to reset the week after chemo. My hair went quite dramatically around day 17. I cut it short with my kids just before this so it wouldn't be so dramatic. Hats are your friend as you don't realise how much the cold gets to your head it's like brain freeze. Thermometer is essential. Also smoothies and pure orange and coke zero helped me with the disgusting mouth taste you get the week after. Be kind to yourself and when you do need the rest take it unapologetically. Happy to chat through any questions you have.