what to expect from radiotherapy

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers

think this will be next stage, is it painful, its for after a sudden right mastectomy, any questions that we should ask the radiotherapy oncologist, does it take a lot out of you

any experiences greatly appreciated, christ there is so much to learn, take in xxx

  • Hi w1cky

    i had radiotherapy in August after a right side mastectomy in June. It was painless and pretty straightforward. My biggest worry was not being able to fully raise my right arm above my head but I managed to get it far enough.i had 5 sessions. In and out within half an hour. I had very little skin reaction afterwards, slight discolouration but no pain or itching. I used the creams the hospital provided.

    Hope this helps.

  • Questions to ask might be

    - will they use a bolus for radiotherapy and, if so, why? (Mine use one but didn’t explain what it was or why it’s used. It was like a bathmat over the chest wall - I thought it reduced the exposure but it did the opposite I think)

     - will the hospital give you creams to us. If not, what should you use and when?

    - what tips can they give you to reduce any side effects?

    I drank loads of water and used the creams generously. A bit inconvenient but as I wasn’t working then it was easy for me to take time and wander about half dressed.

    Hope it goes well.
