The wait is driving me mad!

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  • 266 subscribers

After being told on 25th jan following x2 mammograms, ultrasound & x4 biopsies that it is “highly likely” I have breast cancer. My mind is in over drive whilst waiting for scan/biopsy results on 15th feb. 

Nothing seems to help me sleep.  Every night seems to be getting worse. i have tried all the sleep aids. My GP prescribed zopiclone but that made me feel awful the next day. 

Every night i dread this. I dread trying to sleep, I dread thinking of what’s next? Every ache, pain, symptom I have I’m thinking it’s the worst possible stage - I imagine you've all been through this but how do you cope? 

I have known something hasn't been right with me for over a year - I am 44, total hysterectomy due to Adenomyosis & cin 3 in 2019.   The tiredness and fatigue, has totally wiped me out some days & Ive never known why i have felt like this. Ive felt ill for a while & never known why.

I found the lump around October 2023. Stupidly I waited thinking, no, it cant anything to worry about . Then began the skin tethering on my left breast in Dec, which has got worse over the weeks. (Especially when i raise my arm). Then i noticed a small lump in my armpit.. 

Eventually, Mid January i took myself to see my GP who referred me to the breast clinic where I was told the likelihood is that I've got cancer.

Ive got a breast MRI & full body PET/CT scan in the next week. My consultant explained that because i had severe abdominal cells on my cervix pre hysterectomy that I need a full body pet scan “just to be sure”

I am absolutely terrified of whats to come. i lost my best friend to breast cancer in 2020 (same age) & I can’t believe now it’s happening to me.

I admire everyone on this forum & since i was told last week Ive found all your posts so helpful xx 

I am so scared of what’s to come.

  • Hi

    the wait is awful I’m the same up most nights my gp confirmed breast cancer too me yesterday while I spoke to them on phone about something else got my follow up appointment today dreading it I’m 40 I also had a hysterectomy because of adeyemosis but they left my ovaries in. Can you not ring see if they can see you earlier as that seems a very long wait. Take care