LCIS after cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 267 subscribers


I had BC 4 years ago and had lumpectomy and radio.

Yearly mammos were fine until last year when they found calcifications in good boob. After two biopsy's they said it was LCIS and

screening would be extended for another 5 years due to risk. All this took 2 months and the waiting was truly awful.

Now coming up to next screening date in Feb and i am freaking out - just seems to be forever hanging over me.

Last year even with so many tests i didn't actually sit down and discuss it with any medical person - just all via phone calls.

Even tried going private and that was via call.

I only know LCIS info via google which i know is never a good thing!

Has anyone else been in this position?

  • Hi Esta, sorry to hear you've got the stress of screening and not much support in terms of follow up.  I wonder if it's worth specifically asking for a face to face meeting, or making an appointment with your GP.   Also, worth remembering the lovely folks at Macmillan are at the end of the phone if you ever want to chat anything through with them. The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

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