
  • 6 replies
  • 269 subscribers

Hello everyone

 Reaching out and wondering if anyone else is unable to see a positive future.

 I've had s mastectomy, chemo and will start radiotherapy soon.

It all seems never ending and gloomy.

 I've been chatting with a cancer psychologist and have been journaling and practicing CBT but ultimately I feel hopeless.

 Feel like my life changed forever upon receiving diagnosis and that really I have no future. 
Constantly scared of recurrence and spread, and can't get this out  of my head.

I apologise in advance for the gloomy nature of my post and am happy to delete if need be as I don't want to upset anyone. Just really really struggling.

 If you have read this, I thank you xx

  • It's ok to feel like this.  I'm 8.5 years down the line from diagnosis and still get the odd worry.   Today my boob been aching with stabbing pains.  I've had this pain on and off for years and think it's due to the marker clips they left when they did lumpectomy but still that little worry  gremlin!  There will be other ladies along to chat to you, who are at similar stage.  On this forum there's no silly question, no stupid thought and you are allowed to voice your fears x

  • Hi Jax007,  We have all been were you are now and cancer stinks. Like yourself i had beast cancer 20 years ago, and had same treatment plan. I think when we are first diagnosed we are all caught up in the treatment plan, and worry about is there treatment out there for us. I think it takes time for our brain to catch up and that is probably were you are now. Yes our lives change and no things will never be the same but its not all gloom and doom.Never apologise for how you are feeling its a tough time and we all have felt like this. You should read some of the other womens journeys there are quite a few been on here a while Dawn x

  • I have existing mental health struggles such as anxiety so just not coping

  • Hey Jax007, I’m glad you reached out. Without knowing I’m sure you’re speaking for others who don’t feel comfortable enough to post. It is crap at times and I’m grateful that this can be shared and accepted here.



  • That's kind of you to reply. Anxiety isn't really talked about I suppose and my last intention was to upset anyone but I'm glad I did reach out. 
    And yes, as you said there will be others who are not coping so I hope it has helped in that way. 
    It's easy to feel isolated sometimes.
