Have they ever got it wrong?

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  • 269 subscribers

Has anyone been told after screening that it “highly likely” that they have breast cancer, and then found out through biposy results that its benign? 

  • I guess you waiting for results.  There have been some posters told that and turned out good but they don't usually say unless they are highly suspicious.  I had opposite.  Almost 9 years ago recalled from first routine screening for calcifications.  Told just before biopsy 99% positive benign, just belt & braces doing biopsy.  Click on my name to read my diagnosis, treatment etc.  Good luck with results x

  • Thank you Carol, yes im waiting for results. My consultant was highly likely and seemed convinced ive got breast cancer. When i saw the breast cancel nurse she has said it not might be though. Until we get the results we dont know for sure.  Id rather be told one way or thr orher what im dealing with. The wait is a pain on the a**se 

  • Cancer looks different on ultrasound and mammograms, and with an examination, than benign tumours or cysts, so they can usually say with some certainty what they are dealing with. I was told that I likely have cancer at the breast cancer clinic, was also told that they cannot know for sue until results of biopsy. But I assumed I had cancer as I didn't think they would say that to me if they weren't very sure.

    My BCN started talking to me about likely treatment plans on the day, though those changed as they got more information from other scans that were ordered later.

    It is really tough waiting for results, I hope they have let you know when to expect them.

  • Hi Paula79xxx, I had an examination, mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy and was told by the consultant it was 95% chance of breast cancer all on the same day on Dec 9th. As I was going abroad for the Christmas break my appointment with my consultant to find out about my results wasn’t scheduled til 11th Jan just after a week of being back from our holidays. In the meantime I had received an email of my results based on my mammogram and ultrasound and it confirmed I had breast cancer. I was devastated but tried not to let it ruin our holiday! Anyway I had my consultation and was expecting the worst. We were so shocked to hear from the consultant to say that it’s not cancer based from the biopsies results that we had to ask her again and checked to make sure she had the right person. She said they still don’t know what it is but it could highly likely to be either fibroadenima or benign phyllodes tumour (both benign) and a small chance but unlikely of it being phyllodes tumours either borderline and malignant (cancerous). I then had the operation to remove the 2cm lump on 23rd Jan but won’t get the biopsy results til on my next consultation in about 3 weeks time. So Im not clearly out of the woods yet but I’m hoping and praying to god it’s staying as benign as I would have literally dodged a bullet PrayFingers crossed Good luck with your results Fingers crossed

  • Wow what a story & a rollercoaster of thoughts. I pray you have good results.. thank you for your reply xx

  • Thank you for your well wishes. It sure was a roller coaster and hoping my story will have a happy ending Fingers crossedI pray you have good results too. Just try to stay positive and carry on as normal for now x