Filgrastim - severe thigh pain

  • 23 replies
  • 271 subscribers

I have had 4 of 5 injections of Filgrastim, but can hardly bring myself to administer the 5th today because of the agonies suffered last night, and still now with the second dose of co codamol in my system less than 2 hours ago. This was recommended by chemo hotline in the night when I called. 

Up until last night I had not had these terrible aches. I am 67, relatively fit, but this is going to stop me moving if it continues. Might it be that the bone marrow cells are boosted enough and I can stop the injections? When will this pain subside?

Treatment for TNBC had been very bearable until this point. 3 more rounds of AC and Pembro, and 15 more jabs of Filgrastim. Can I cope?

  • Hi, I had Filgrastim injections last year and I also had severe bone pain. The best analgesic for me was a warm bath. Day 3 after docetaxel, was the worst day. I did find the first cycle of Filgrastim injections were the worst and I have to confess I omitted my very last injection as I just couldn’t face it and I had at this point finished my chemo. As you are aware the injections are to prevent neutropenia, if your neutrophils are below a certain level it could mean a dose reduction or delay with your next chemo treatment. 
    I hope your symptoms improve, those injections were the hardest part of my treatment so I do sympathise. Take care 

  • Thank you for replying Shade, unfortunately we don't have a bath in our home. The pain is easing now I'm up and about. I've just had a call back from the team at Bart's to say hold off on the 5th injection. I have a consultation before the next round of AC and Filgrastim. Tx again for support. 

  • hi, sorry you are having pain, did they recommend taking claritin before and during? i took it the day before and each day i injected, i didnt have too many aches but still a bit achy.

    hope they can help you with the aches, i had the worst after taxol, i used tylenol 3 too sleep. 

  • Hi there,

    I hated the filgastim injections too.but did complete them all. I didn't have a warm bath but got myself heat pads which I used. I also kept moving as , although I really didn't want to, it really helped to ease the pain too.

    All the best to you.

  • Tx for replies. It was in the night the intense bone pain woke me. I was sleeping on a heated under blanket and PN feet on a heated pad. 

    No-one has suggested Clarityn. They'll see how my neutrophils are just before next treatment. And I'll ask about it then. Tx again

    1. My other problem, since AC started last Thursday, is feeling almost continuously nauseous with a sickly sweet taste in my saliva. Any antidotes? 
  • Hi Kindofblue, I didn’t have AC, I had EC but to help fight nausea I was given 3 types of anti sickness meds to take. These worked perfectly. Not sure if you have been sent home with any meds ? I was advised to take these meds at the prescribed times and not to wait until I felt nauseous. Ginger biscuits and peppermint chewing gum might help. I found eating little and often too.

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment.

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • All Filgrastim suffers there is an alternative. I had what they thought was an allergic reaction and I was changed. It was slightly more complicated as it involved mixing 2 components. The district nurse administered it but I had opted for her to do the injecting anyway as I couldn't see me being able to stick a needle in myself

     I am sorry I don't recall the name of the drug but I am sure your teams will know. If you are suffering ask for an alternative. It was 4 years ago. Xxxx

  • take anti naseau pills as soon as u can, take regulary, dont let yourself feel sick, easier yo control than get under control again

    i ate a lot of sour patch kids, drank water w lemon and drank old fashioned lemonade.

    taste is gonna suck for a while

    curries i enjoyed, yoghurt i enjoyed, and sour candies, and fresh veggies steamed

  • I had pegfilgrastim injections during chemo which I believe does the same job as filgrastrim but you only have one injection. I would have it the day after chemo. Personally, I didn't experience any bone pain, although I know some people do, but the fact it's only one injection could make it more bearable. I think pegfilgrastrim is more expensive, so it might not be possible, but could be worth an ask when you meet with your team? Take care xx

  • Hi WMk, I have just been told that I need these injections to boost my WBC and I’m terrified, have a massive needle phobia, do the actual injections hurt or just afterwards? They had to put me on tablet form of blood thinners because of my anxiety about the injections.

    hope you are feeling ok