Chemo/cold cap EC cycle 3

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  • 266 subscribers

Just wanted a little advice on chemo/cold capping ongoing progress.  I've found loads of info for starting chemo but I just wanted to know how you guys got on going forward.  I had my 3rd of 6 cycles of EC90 GSF.  

First treatment December- sailed through, slight headache and nausea with cold cap and minor side effects (tiredness, heartburn).  No hair loss.  Well for Christmas!

Second treatment 3/1 - no cold cap issues apart from a headache (took painkillers and all good.  Hair started to shed day before treatment - big time.  Minor side effects.  Just felt I'd been run over by a tractor for most of the 3 weeks!  Manageable as I'm signed off work at the moment.  

I had my 3rd treatment yesterday.  Delayed for a day as no cold caps available.  Waited an hour before they told me and then sent home.  Rescheduled for 12pm next day, then changed till 2pm.  Then as I sat on the bus for a 1+ hour journey they rearranged it till 4pm!  I guess my mindset was quite negative by the time I started the treatment.  As soon as they put the cold cap on I started to feel sick, hot, cold, severe headache (even with painkillers) and really emotional.  They had to take it off and stop treatment for 15 mins.   

I quickly felt much better and slightly embarrassed!  They resumed treatment and it was all fine but a late finish at 9pm.  

My hair has stopped thinning for now but when can I expect it to start again?  Is it worth carrying on with the cap for a 4th cycle?  I'm worried that I will have the same reaction.  I had my hair cut into a short bob following the second treatment and, although it's very thin on top, it's still sort of there!

Any info/observations/experience gratefully received, as well as what I might expect in cycles 4 - 6.  

Thanks in anticipation

JPP60 xx

  • Hi JPP60,

    That was not a good experience for your 3rd chemo - sympathy. I can only say that you are exactly at the point my daughter decided to give up with the cold cap . She'd had her hair cut into a short bob but it had got so thin, especially on top, that she was not comfortable going out . She was also more than fed up with hair everywhere indoors. She decided to bite the bullet, stop cold capping and ask her hairdresser to take it all off. She went as the last appointment of the day and had it clipped to a 'number 2' .

    While it was quite a shock at first, she was so much happier. She has a wig but rarely wears it. She had already bought a few chemo hats and very quickly got to know which style she likes and has quite a wardrobe of them now. 

    Chemo is now finished and her hair is very soft and fluffy and a couple of millimetres long. She still wears her hats most of the time.

    Everyone is different but stopping the cold cap was the right decision for her, she has no regrets. Best of luck, whatever you do.

  • Hello JPP60. I cold capped . Despite at the time being in my late 60s I had quite course thick hair.  Over the course of my 3 weekly chemo sessions I lost about a third of my hair. It was never so bad that I had to wear a wig. Things that may have helped include not washing my hair more than once or twice in every 3 week cycle. Not using too hot water, using baby shampoo. I was recommended to use Watermans Hair Growth shampoo and conditioner by another patient which I did use on occasion. I had a very wide tooth comb and was careful not to tug at my hair. I took a couple of paracetamol before and the nurse (and sometimes myself) pulled the cap well down so it made good contact with my crown. I looked hideous, far worse than any of the others using the cold cap but I thought it worth it. Very good luck xxx