Chasing news

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  • 267 subscribers

I was last seen by my consultant on 3rd January when he said he wanted input from the sarcoma team who are based at a different hospital. I understand he has emailed them twice, once before Christmas and once on 3rd January. Since then no news and the mailbox for him is full so I can’t leave a message. I have no other contact details so don’t know who to chase. It’s been over two weeks now so obviously I am getting more anxious by the day. When I saw the consultant before Christmas he said I would probably be having a mastectomy in January followed by radiotherapy. Following a CT scan he said he wanted input from the sarcoma team as I have a Phyllodes tumour. I now feel my case has fallen between two stools and I can’t contact anyone to find out what’s happening. Deeply frustrating and I feel I can’t make plans. 

  • Hi, sorry to hear this. I think in your situation I would try the breast care nurses. I found the best way to contact them was by email and I would phone the consultants secretary. The hospital switch board should be able to put you through to the secretary, they are generally pretty good at chasing things and will understand that you are stressed and are used to people contacting them.

    It might be that it is all happening behind the scenes and will suddenly move forwards.

    If things don’t move on then you could speak to the hospital PALS department.

    The waiting around not knowing what’s happening before treatment starts is the worst! X