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After 2x ops chemo and radiotherapy I thought I was recovering well the only side effect being fatigue which I was coping with.  Then in September I started on abemaciclib, letrozol and biophosphonates and my god have things got worse. The abemaciclib made me really ill so I had to have the dose lowered and I'm fine with that now but the back and hip pain I've had since being on letrozol is awful to the extent that I've now taken early retirement from work as my job involved me standing or walking around for long periods.  Has anyone had similar pain whilst on this medication and do you have any advice on coping with it x

  • Hi , i have been on Letrozol for 4 years now and have never had a problem. I know of others who have been fine on this medication. I didnt realised this medication could cause such pain and discomfort, i would definarty contact your oncologist and tell him/her how bad it is and ask to be seen and maybe ask for some scans on your back and hip  to make sure nothing else is going on. Its always best to ask them and see about changing that part of your treatment x

  • Hi Tricia1919, 

    Im on the same regime as yourself and today I’m having a tough day. I had a week off Abemaciclib due to COVID and recommended it yesterday, today I feel hungover and have a terrible headache. Some days I feel I can’t do this, but we plod on.  I get bone pain and back and hip aches /pain. To be honest I don’t know which drug is the cause. I don’t take any analgesia as paracetamol is metabolised by the liver and ibuprofen by the kidney and both my liver and kidney function is just in the normal range. I commenced Abemaciclib in October and I’m still on 150mgs but I’m feeling increasingly fatigued. 
    Sorry to produce such a self pitying post, just wanted to let you know cancer and cancer treatment is so hard at times and knowing Im not the only one that has gone through and is going through the same regime is a comfort. Take care

  • The 150mg dose of abemaciclib made me dizzy all the time but I've had no reaction to the 100mg doses. If your headaches persist ask to have your dose lowered.  We are on these medicines for a long time so the easier they are to take the better

    Take care x

  • I have been on letrozole for 3 months. First I had carpal tunnel which was awful. At last I had a steroid injection but now it’s my hip, actually it feels a bit lower. I’m in agony and can hardly walk. I have had enough and am thinking of stopping and wondered if I’d be better on tamoxifen or would that not work 

  • I must be lucky. Just been taking it for 3  months of  Letrozole and I’m doing fine. Night sweats are a pain, I had a radical hysterectomy 35 years ago ( it was cervical cancer) and the sweats were much worse then. I was diagnosed with a breast lump and enlarged lymph nodes three months ago and at my age 75 the endocrine treatment seems to be shrinking all three tumors. From the research I have read if you can bear it Letrozole works well. 

  • Hi Tricia 1919

     l went through mastectomy, lymph node removal chemotherapy and radiotherapy l had no problems at all.  Started letrozole and Abemaciclib November /December 2023 , since taking these drugs I believe it is more the abemaciclib I have had more problems fatigue , breathless pains in legs and  chest  and finding it hard to walk they have now reduced the dose of abemaciclib and I am finding it better , I do take paracetamol for the joint pain, but I am back out walking everyday now and doing Pilates . I am retired but to be honest I respect all you woman who is working on these drugs because they do cause a lot of fatigue, upset stomach and joint pains but the results for taking these drugs are worth it, carry on going girls , l went to my GP yesterday and she told me it’s early days we are still getting over the after affects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

    take care all xx