
  • 4 replies
  • 268 subscribers

So I wanted to ask a few question just get a bit of help in my thinking. I had a WLE in November due to invasive lobular breast cancer 24/11/24 - followed by a further shave to secure clear margins (19/12/23) as original surgery was deemed too close and all my remaining lymph glands removed. Today my CNS confirmed that all of the additional lymph nodes removed were clear but (and this is where I am struggling) there was some cells in the shave that I think they were saying could be early cancer - they used a word I can’t quite recall. I have tried to look up what this now means for options and am still unclear. I have my follow up tomorrow and will know more but I wondered if anyone had similar experience - they would be happy to share?

  • Hi, hopefully by now you've had your follow up and have the answers. I just wanted to say that if you want to chat anything through, you can call the lovely team here at Macmillan, on 0800 808 0000 as they are always happy to help. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you - I now have a bit of a plan and will he starting chemo soon which will be followed by a mastectomy as although no more tumours some very small cancer markers in the shave. I think I will use the help line as I do need to chat about the future options after the mastectomy- thank you for replying it’s really good to hear from others - makes this journey less lonely.

  • Hi, I also had chemo before surgery.  I was lucky and I managed to work throughout chemo and whilst I had some side effects, I managed quite well. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi,

    I had some cells at the margin of my axillary clearance which they thought might be a metastatic. This earned me chemo as well as the planned radiotherapy - to mop up anything left behind. Your oncologist, I'm sure, will explain everything to you when you see them. Good luck