Lymphedema in Breast

  • 22 replies
  • 272 subscribers


After WLE and SNB in Feb, followed by chemo and radiotherapy I developed pitted skin and hot lumpy part of the treated breast.  Had an appointment with the surgeon who said it was lymphedema and not to worry.  A friend told me about lymphedema massage which helps, however the lymphedema seems to have reduced in the original site but moved into my nipple and areole.  The areole gets very hard and wrinkled with the nipple slightly sunken.

Has anyone else had this?  Is it normal?  I have managed to get a referral to the lymphedema clinic next week but am worrying.

Seems to be worse if I leave my bra off, only doesn't hurt if I wear super tight sports bra.  Also have pain in my ribs/underboob which I am unsure is linked to lymphedema or a side effect of the radiotherapy I had in Aug/Sept?

Any advice gratefully received please?


  • Hi Bexf, sorry you are suffering with lymphoedema. I can’t help on that side of things but I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy in May last year and am still suffering with sore ribs and tender to touch areas from that. It could be that your pain is linked to the radiotherapy. Maybe you could call your BCN and have a chat to see what they think. Glad you have an appointment at the lymphoedema clinic as they will be able to advise and help.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi 

    I finished my radiotherapy on Tuesday and my nipple is painful hard and itchy my whole breast is really itchy !! It must be a side effect. 

  • Seems that way, my radiologist told me to take antihistamine to help with the itchiness.  I finished my weeks intense RT back in August and I stopped the antihistamines just before xmas. 

  • Itching is awful.  I used hydrocortisone cream 1% as needed and it really helped and kept moisturizing.  Take care.




    I have swollen breast as well… 

    checkout her website , YouTube channel, yes, wear compression bras 

  • Thanks guys, checking out the YouTube now.  Seems better after wearing a tight bra overnight so fingers crossed.  Appointment on Tuesday so will feel better then.

  • BexF - It's amazing how many of us have the same issues, different advice or no advice at all, quite understandably as we are all different and at various stages .  I am not convinced I don't have lymphedema and have the aches/pains under my boob and in the ribs and armpits but surgeon and BCN says all is 'normal'.  I rarely wear a bra normally and have not done since a teenager (now late 60's) BUT I do wear a sports bra in bed. It is strong enough to support me and I get very little pains when I get out of bed now whereas before when gravity took over, the pain was quite high. Who knows how long before it goes back to 'my normal', I cream, massage and exercise so just have to leave nature to do its job but it is all manageable for me.   Hope your apt on Tuesday goes well for you. xx

  • Hi

    I had a therapeutic mammoplasty and full lymph node removal,which was followed by 15 sessions of radiotherapy 

    Like you I notice pitting in my breast, thickening of my skin and a lot of soreness  under my arm

    When I saw my bcn she assured me that it was very likely  lymphodema. 

    I was booked in at the lymphodema clinic,I was given Pitpaks to wear in my bra,to help massage, massage techniques, and she also measured my arm in several places,so hopefully I don't get it in my arm

    She also measured my breast to see how much fluid,mine came up at 70,should be around 30

    She told me that most of my underarm pain was caused by the radiotherapy 

    I have another appt next month

    Hopefully we can sort this

    Take care

  • How did she measure fluid in breast ? I think my physio only has a device to measure the arm … also what are pitpacks ?

  • Hi ,

    It's a lymph scanner,a hand held device,totally painless,it measures the fluid

    Pitpak s are cotton pouches,filled with cherry stones,they  move about and massage as you move.they had to be ordered by the hospital

    I couldn't feel them in my bra tbh,but they are hopefully doing something to help my lymphodema