Radiotherapy to breast and lymph nodes

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  • 270 subscribers


Following my lumpectomy and SLNB I now need a second op to get clear margins from a new area which was identified and removed during surgery.  This wasn’t picked up on any scans or MRI which is scary.  I’ve also been told that there was some low level micro invasion of my lymph node and that they will treat that with radiotherapy as well as my breast rather than do any further lymph node operation.  Has anyone else had this?  I’m worried that there may be more cancer in other lymph nodes that they haven’t found.  I’m also scared of lymphoedema after radiotherapy.  Actually I’m scared of it all!!  I’ve got to get clear margins from my second op first ! Xx

  • Morning Janey25 - I’ve had my smx followed by 6 rounds of chemo and will be starting my radiotherapy soon as I’m having my CT planning scan next week.  When I saw my oncologist he did explain that whilst I had lymph node clearance there are certain nodes not taken in the chest wall which will need to be zapped for the same reason you’ve explained above.   Not everything is picked up from scans if they’re micro as with me the mri picked up one area of concern but I had multiple nodes infected.

    It’s normal to feel scared, just take one day at a time. I hope that your second op goes well and you finally get the clear margins required x

  • I also had micro metastases in the lymph and I finished RT a couple of weeks ago.  

    The radiotherapy was fine and it's quite normal to use this as a defence against anything left in these areas.

  • Hi there Janey25 I've also finished radiotherapy recently which I had due to micro metastasis in one node from sentinel node biopsy.  It seems to be pretty standard to do this if there was a tiny amunt.  Treatment was fine -I had 15 rounds -a bit of skin irritation but cream they gave me really helped and it disappeared fairly quickly.  Sending hugsHeart️

  • Hi Crew53 - Did you feel tired after each session ? I’ve got to have 15 rounds too x

  • Hi Joules52 -I wasn't too bad throughout treatment -I think it was the travelling to and from hospital that made it more tiring.  I got myself into a routine of going a wee bit earlier to get a parking space and then a cup of tea in the hospital cafe.  I met other people having treatment during the same few weeks so we kind of got used to seeing each other and chatting each day.  Going to bed early seemed to help me through -I got more tired about 2-3 weeks after it is as all finished but that's getting better now.    When do you start? Xx

  • Thanks Crew53 - because we have to travel quite a distance for our radiotherapy instead of where we have chemotherapy, my hospital offers a taxi service so this will help avoid stress with having to drive. I am having my CT Planning scan next week and it’s suggested my 15 sessions will start 2/3 weeks later xx

  • Hi all I had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy September, followed by 5 sessions of radiotherapy which finished last Thursday. Due to the weekend and New Year’s Day I had a three day break in between. After the first day it was very sore and I couldn’t sleep in that side, they advised due to the strength administered this can happen, and further treatment was fine. A week later it is swollen and sometimes aches but totally manageable. But yesterday I felt physically drained with no energy, which again told as normal, but today I’m again. I’m just going day by day to be honest but nothing I can’t handle at the moment. 

  • Thanks Palms - I think we’re all taking 1 day at a time as that’s the best way to cope with our journeys. I hope you start to feel more energised going forward x

  • I just finished radiotherapy I had all my lymph nodes removed in arm which had 12 effected lymph nodes I had radiotherapy done on the lymph nodes of my neck although there was no involvement with these but l was told it was a precaution