Axillary node clearance

  • 28 replies
  • 271 subscribers

Hi everyone hope you are having a good day x

I am post mastectomy and over half way through chemo.

 My question is did you have axillary node clearance?

 Pathology showed micro met in one node but didn't have clearance.

 Is this normal? Xx

  • I was the same 2021 and was advised that radiotherapy after chemo was as effective as having a clearance. I lost a lot of sleep worrying about what to do but went with 15 rounds of radiotherapy. I was her2 positive, hormone negative, grade 2.  

  • Thank you Gilliebean

    I was given choice kind of, but obviously had no idea what to do.

    I was multi focal, HER2+ 

    Did you have Monday to Friday radiotherapy sessions?


  • I was also multi focal.

    My radiotherapy started on a Thursday, so 2 days then the weekend off, then was Monday to Friday for 2 weeks and 3 days the last week. I got a print out for the 3 weeks before it started with dates and times and a parking permit. I drove myself to each session, used plenty of moisturiser and had plenty of fluids. The area felt red, swollen and tender for a while but no real problems.

    Hope you’re not struggling too much with the chemo. X

  • Hi Jax007, after my lumpectomy they found cancer in one out of the 2 sentinel nodes taken. I didn’t have any choice, I was told axillary clearance as cancer was found in a sentinel node. I have heard a lot of people who have cancer in nodes just have chemo and radiotherapy and’s it’s just as effective as an axillary clearance. I guess it depends on how much cancer is found in node. I think mine was over a certain size hence no choice. To be honest I’m glad I had a clearance as I had 12 removed and 9 were positive with more cancer. 
    Wishing you all the best

     Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thanks Blush did you have implants as I had immediate reconstruction and have got the impression that the implants can be damaged with radiation. Also did you work through it?

     Work have been good but feel they will run out of patience with me. 
    Hated chemo and was a big baby sobbing all the way through last week.

  • I think this is what has been worrying me as everyone seems to have the clearance.

    Oh well, too late now to worry I suppose x

  • I had immediate implant reconstruction before treatment. I did feel sore and swollen towards the end of radiotherapy but things settled down and I don’t think the implant has been damaged. The surgeon said it might not last as long but he would change it as needed.

    I had a bit of a drive to radiotherapy, it was a couple of hours round trip and it did make me more tired so I was unable to work. I’m a staff nurse and my managers were really good but some people do seem to be able to work around it. I was planning on going back to work a couple of weeks after treatment but then caught covid which knocked me back again! 

    I sobbed all through chemo as well, it was a horrible time. I planned a treat for every month following treatment so I always had something to look forward to. Life does pick up again, you get your strength back and the horror of it all goes more into the background x

  • Oh Gilliebean it was awful Cry 

    Everyone seemed so brave and I was just about as miserable as ever. 

    I can't drive unfortunately so not sure what to do about getting there and back. Oh well, I'll sort something out I'm sure.

     I'm quite alone in all of this as I live alone and have limited support (no one's fault) just people busy.

  • Hi Jax007, I don’t know but as you have had a mastectomy it maybe you have had a lot of noses already removed in the tissue. Did you ask how many nodes were found when they did the mastectomy as the pathologist would have reported all that were found. It might be worth having a chat with your breast care nurse or surgeon. They would be able to look at your pathology report and advise. I asked my surgeon and she actually sent me my pathology reports. 
    Wishing you all the best

     Hugs from cuffcake x x x x d

  • They took 5 and one had micromets x