Menopause .. any tips?

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  • 272 subscribers

Hello, 3 years since diagnosis and cancer free. On tamoxifen and generally doing well. But the hot flushes are getting really quite bad now, I’m 53 so definitely full menopause.

I manage most of the other menopause symptoms through yoga and breath work, although have noticed alcohol and chocolate (damn it) make symptoms worse. (although I can’t quite bring myself to remove these completely from my dietJoy)

Seems to be conflicting views on whether evening primrose is beneficial or even advisable with tamoxifen? Obviously the individual ingredients are important! 

Does anyone take evening primrose? Does it work? 

I will check with BC nurse, but just interested if any one has any views on this or other tips at management of hot flushes. 

  • Hi Cyprusfav, I’m 53 too and been on tamoxifen since last May. I have my tablet at night so most of my hot flushes are overnight. I do end up sleeping with a fan on a lot of the time. During the day I t’s normally ok. I love chocolate too and definitely won’t be giving it up completely will suffer hot flushes Rofl. I can’t answer about evening primrose oil but it’s worth checking with your breast care nurse as you say. Never know what things interact with tablets one is taking. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi   I’ve been on tamoxifen since April and have been suffering with the hot flushes terribly. They keep me awake at night, it’s awful. I was told they will probably stop in a year but to hear you’re 3 years on and suffering doesn’t fill me with much hope! I’m 44 so this is early menopause for me! I’d love to know what might help, I was told by my onco that a low dose of antidepressants helps but I’m not keen on taking more drugs!

  • Yes, my BC nurse said they can prescribe anti depressants,but like you I don’t want to go down that route yet! 
    my flushes started about 6 months ago, so don’t think age tells the whole story! 

  • I have a fan in the bedroom, I layer so I can cool down easily.  Just can’t wear some clothes anymore.  My heating is set lower as well x

  • I also have struggled. My oncologist said oil of evening primrose was the only supplement I could take as it doesn’t elevate your oestrogen levels like say sage. I’ve been taking it a year now and it seems to ease symptoms a bit x

  • I've been on zoladex for over 3 years and exemestane for 2.5years. The menopause symptoms were intense at first but have got significantly better. After a couple of years, I was still struggling with mood swings, on top of the hot flushes etc. I decided to try a low-dose antidepressant and it has been brilliant. I feel like me again in my mood, albeit still less energy etc. I still get hot flushes and night sweats but they don't come with that rising panic/anxiety feeling that I got before, which makes them easier to manage. I get fewer flushes too, but I think that is probably time as much as anything. I don't expect the flushes will stop util I come off the medication. I was mid-40s and put into an early menopause, so very much hoping to stay post-menopausal once I come off the drugs and then the hot flushes etc should, fingers crossed, eventually fade. 

    I do all the usual things for hot flushes - I have a brilliant quiet fan in the bedroom now, I dress in layers etc. I use Balance Active moisturising pessaries for vaginal atrophy and try and exercise as much as is realistic to try and keep healthy and the weight gain to a minimum. I do have to pace myself these days, but hoping that will all get better once I'm through the 5 years of hormone therapy.

    I was also a bit cautious about taking yet another drug to sort out moods but then I figured that it was the hormone drugs that were giving me the mood swings in the first place. I've stayed on the minimum dose (a third of what you would take if taking for depression) and get on very well with it. It has helped me sleep better too, which also does wonders for your mood and energy levels. I had been suffering from quite bad insomnia since BC/menopause/all the drugs.

    You have to be a bit more careful with anti-depressant types on tamoxifen. I'm on fluoxetine, but I think that can interfere with tamoxifen. Plenty of others out there though.

  • My flushes started after a couple of months from taking tamoxifen so the summer was absolute torture! I had a fan then but my husband says it’s too cold now so can’t use it! We hardly ever put the heating on so my bedroom is very cool but I still wake up sweating several times a night so always so tired! I really hoped this would go away soon, the thought of this for years is rather depressing! 

  • Thanks for sharing. Wishing you all the best. I’m thinking mine are going to get worse before they get better.. Joy but hey it’s not cancer Clap

  • You could well be right! Lack of sleep though is killing me! But yes, it’s not cancer so I’m very grateful for that! Best of luck to you too 

  • I’m exactly the same don’t know if it’s the temoxafin or menopause  kicking my ar## but hot flushes, headaches and feeling exhausted all the time. I’m 47 and do keep fit and exercise but it’s not heSee no eviling. Start radiotherapy in 2 weeks as well and dreading it See no evil