Problem with voice after paclitaxel

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hello all,

I nearly lost my voice after the third cycle of paclitaxel and after the 4th and last I can bearly speak. My oncologist prescribed me some spray but it doesn't seem to be working. Any similar experience and advice?

Thank you!


  • Hi Lana, I am sorry I haven’t personally got the experience you are looking for, but I noticed your post had dropped to the second page as the site is quite busy. My response will bump you back to the top and hopefully someone with the right experience will be along soon. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Lana65,

    I'm wondering what ended up happening if you don't mind sharing please?

    Weekly taxol for me at the moment. 4th infusion my voice was hoarse, after 5th infusion lost it all together. 6th infusion deferred for a week as nurses saying it's not a chemo side effect and it may be a viral infection. 

    However, I have read can be a rare side effect of Taxol.   Seeing my oncologist next week who is brilliant and will know if this is the case, hoping that he doesn't change/alter my treatment.

    Many thanks

  • Hi Miss Peregrine,

    It was a side effect of Paclitaxel. I was very concerned about it since I completely lost my voice and I insisted on seeing an ENT specialist but my ocologist who is brilliant asked me to wait for a couple of weeks which I did. It took about 4 - 5 weeks for my voice to get better and by the end of the sixth week it was back to normal. I was told it was very rare for breast cancer to spread to the throat so most probably it is not metastases related in your case either but do insist on further checks if it worries you too much! I do hope your cancer stays stable and hopefully goes into remission - all those new treatments do give us hope! I also had cancer in one of my lymph nodes and I know that I will never be certain I am cancer free. Not a good feeling, but it is what it is, let's hope for the best! I wish you the very best of luck with your treatment! Big virtual hug!

    Lana xx