Delayed biopsy results ,

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Hi was supposed to see Oncologist yesterday for results of lymph node biopsies after lumpectomy and lymph node biopsies nearly 4weeks ago . Got another appointment now on 10th November ! Csn anyone tell me roughly how long radiotherapy will be after my lumpectomy . Was hoping to start before Christmas , possibly just 5 sessions in one week ? I have Lobular cancer found on mammogram  many thanks Christine 

  • Hi Christine 

    I think waiting times vary to where abouts you live. I had surgery the end of August, saw the oncologist the end of October and have no idea when I will start radiology. The oncologist thought there was about a 7 week waiting list but wasn’t sure. I live in the south of England. 

  • Hi, this seems to happen a lot. My results were cancelled and rescheduled for a week later too.  I was told that radiotherapy is usually 8-12 weeks after your surgery.  I had two lumpectomies, so start my radiotherapy on the 6th November, 8 weeks after my second op.  Hope this helps.  Wish you well with your radiotherapy and any other treatment xx

  • Thanks Ann I’m in Wales waiting lists not too bad here thanks goodness , thanks for your reply much hugs x

    • Hi orchid  thanks for the information , I should now know soon I hope , it may well depend on results of biopsies on lymph. Nodes I Think , yhe waiting is awful but I am. Very grateful for the car and treatment I have received upto now so another  week and I hopefully  will have good results ! Good luck for your upcoming radiotherapy !! Big hugs and cwtches as we say in Wales xxxRevolving hearts
  • Thank you xx  I live in Wales too, so big cwtches to you too.  I think the wait time is pretty good in Wales at the moment, I have been very lucky so far with my surgery and treatments.  I wish you well with your results and hope you hear soon. Xx