No restaurants during chemo !?

  • 21 replies
  • 293 subscribers

I just had pharmacy clinic appointment and was advised to not eat out at restaurants or order takeaway during chemo ? Did anyone get this advice ? Did anyone follow it ? 

  • Yes, I had the same advice along with a list of foods to avoid at home. I did follow the advice.

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  • Never heard of it, but then again most of my treatment happened during the pandemic. However, I see the logic of this advice: chemo can make a patient immunocompromised, so the medical teams try to minimise opportunities for picking up infections. Avoiding crowded places is one such strategy. Avoiding eating food prepared by unknown hands is another.

  • Only advice re food I got was avoid grapefruit. No advice re takeaways or eating out. We did both during my chemo although only at safe times in my cycle.

  • also told avoid sushi and the like, and sometimes i want Confused

  • I was told to avoid takeaways.  I did have fish n chips once though.  It's general advice on avoiding food poisoning, as far as I can tell.

  • it may be more due to the rise in covid at the moment

  • Hi Iman, I was advised to avoid raw fish like sushi, grapefruit and probiotics. Other than that I carried on as normal and had take aways and ate out at restaurants. I was careful and made sure I chose dishes that I knew and didn’t take any chances on new dishes. I can understand why they would mention this as your immune system is low during chemo and there could be a possibility of picking up some bacteria that could make you poorly. I did have one stint of being poorly after eating out and spent 48hours in hospital. Whether it was really to do with the food or whether it was a bug I have no idea. All in all my breast care nurse just said to basically be sensible and carry on as normal - don’t hide yourself away. I took her advice and found I was fine. Obviously everyone is different and everyone will be given slightly different advice. I think you have to do what you feel comfortable with. 
    Wishing you all the best.

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Given a long list of foods to avoid, which I largely ignored as it would have meant completely changing my diet. Had no issues. On the first chemo I had (EC) advised which days of the cycle I was most at risk. 

  • Thank you everyone for your responses. 

  • I wasn’t advised against eating out but was advised about food hygiene, not to share food, not to eat leftovers etc.  i may be wrong but I think the level of care you need to take also depends on how your body reacts.  I had blood tests before each treatment to check the counts and the levels stayed really good throughout so I was less careful than otherwise.  I would be really careful to start with and see how well you tolerate the chemo and talk to the nursing team as the weeks go to see what they say.