Late side effects radiotherapy

  • 21 replies
  • 272 subscribers

Hi, I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. I was just wondering if anyone had a similar experience. I finished radiotherapy the end of July this year. I had mild side effects, like red and itchy skin. After about five weeks they were gone. For the last six weeks they have been coming back, lasting longer and longer and worse than they were initially. I am still moisturizing twice daily with Aveeno and doing my exercises. Even though some days the pain us too bad. The breast is a little bit bigger than the other, itchy, slightly red. I was referred back to the breast clinic, and the doctor I saw just said its from rt and could go on for up to two years. I asked him is there any special exercises I can do or should I use a special cream and he just said no. I can take paracetamol. There's no point going to my go, as they were the ones that referred me. When I talked to someone from the oncology unit, they also sent me to breast clinic. I feel like nobody cares, as its nothing major, but its starting to effect my sleep, mood and energy. I am just fed up I guess. 

If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I would appreciate it.

Wishing all of you a happy and healthy 2023

  • Hi   sorry to hear you’ve got some annoying side effects and not really getting the support you need, that's so frustrating. Have you thought about having a chat with the lovely folks on the Macmillan support line? The number is 0808 808 0000 or if you prefer true chat function, here's the link for you Macmillan Support Info. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thanks for your reply, ya I think I'll give them a try.

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear you are suffering at the moment. Maybe you have become allergic to the Aveeno. Have you tried taking an antihistamine to see if that helps with the itching and redness?

    Radiotherapy does cause initial inflammation but this should have died down by now.

    I would try using a different moisturiser to see if that helps.

    I hope you find an answer and feel better soon

  • Hi exraygirl, I got some aloe vera gel the other day, that helped a lot. Still a little red but not itchy anymore. I suppose the pain could be scar tissue pushing on nerves? I can't wear any bra or vest top as that irritates the area and it swells up again. Anyway, somebody told me the other day its the gift that keeps on giving. 

    Thank you so much for your reply, a shared worry...

  • Hi all, I thought I was lucky not to suffer side effects from radiotherapy (five sessions in October) now I have swelling, enlarged and very sore breast, 3 month down the line. My breast is so large it’s uncomfortable. I’ve also been told to moisturise and take paracetamol!!! I wish I had refused treatment as I was unsure of the long term benefits v the radiation risk. Really pays to look in to the pros and cons. Anyone have any advice on how to ease the  pain and swelling? Thanks and good luck to you all. 

  •  maybe try cool compresses, here in Canada they recommend saline compresses after radio to ease side effect 3 times a day.

    howeverm so far i have not done them but am going between a steroid cream(finished the 12th) and aloe vera (no alcohol) and water based cream.

    i find the aloe has a cooling effect and the water based a longer lasting moisture.

  • Hi Optimistic I, it would be worth checking with your breast care nurse or contacting the radiotherapy team as they should be able to help. Whilst I had a tender breast and a slight swelling I didn’t have pain. Even now 8 months down the line I still have a suntanned breast and some days it can be a bit tender. I think it just takes a while for everything to heal.  It’s possible it is just from the radiotherapy and that it will settle over time but it could be fluids that have built up from surgery and that the radiotherapy has had an impact. Keep up with the moisturising, I used Aveeno as it was fragrance free and aloe Vera. I also wore loose tops too. Rather than a bra most days I wear a crop top. I find that more comfortable.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi, thanks for your reply’s. I will try aloe Vera and the saline compress’s. Another sleepless night as I tend to turn on to my side and that’s so painful, any relief would be appreciated. 
    I’m on letrozole and wondering if it could be a side effect, although I think the redness and burning sensation must be from the radiotherapy. I will contact my cancer nurse and pass on any advice to you guys. Thanks again. 

  • Hi  , sorry you’re having issues with pain and swelling. I was diagnosed with mild breast lympheodema a few months after radiotherapy (3 weeks, back in 2019). I asked for a referral as my treated breast was bigger than the other and I felt was ‘puffy’. Any seams left pitting which was not on the other untreated breast. The lympheodema nurse advised more supportive bras (I was still wearing soft post op bras - comfy but very little support.). She showed me basic massage which I didn’t find very easy, and advised me to take up Nordic walking or aqua aerobics as both apparently get the lymph moving. I did a Nordic walking course and am still loving it, nearly 5 years later. The nurse could see a marked improvement at my follow up appointment, which she put down to supportive bras and the Nordic walking. I’m not suggesting you try any of this without advice, but I’d definitely ask for a lympheodema referral. 
    Re sleeping, I had to sleep on my back for many months, possibly a year. I hated it but it was too painful or uncomfortable on my side for all that time. I’m back to my usual side sleeping now, thank goodness. 
    So from this long ramble (sorry!) I’d say try for lympheodema referral and take it from there, unless the breast nurse has other suggestions. It’s really worked for me. But it has taken much longer than I’d anticipated when I started my cancer treatment. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much for your encouraging reply’s. It made me cry to realise people look out for each other,  I felt better when the flood gates opened. It’s surprising how we try to stay brave though all this gruelling cancer journey. 
    This morning I rang my cancer support nurse and I’ve got an appointment at the hospital on Monday.I suspect it is lympheodema, so hopefully it may settle in time. Thanks

    Blessings to yo al .