TNBC chemo ahoy

  • 10 replies
  • 501 subscribers
  • Hi. I'm new to this group. My TNBC was found incidentally during a routine COPD lung scan. I'd had a mammogram a few months earlier which was all clear. I had a mastectomy in January and now I'm being encouraged to try a low dose of Taxol, then EC-T if suitable, alongside Bisphosonates. 

I've been told Taxol is mild and people still go to work during treatment. Has anyone experienced this?

  • Hi  

    I had paclitaxel for 12 weeks after a lumpectomy and EC for TNBC when I was 61. I had already retired but if I'd still been working I could have continued to do so while having paclitaxel as I didn't get any side effects.


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  • Hi Anne. That sounds very encouraging, thank you. I know we're all different and I'm willing to try it. I keep swinging one way then the other! I'm 70 and I have no plans to retire yet as I love my job and the people I work with. I can't wait to get back there.

  • I enjoyed my job but I enjoy retirement more Slight smile

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I am just coming to the end of my 12 sessions of Paciitaxil  and at 78 years young I have coped really well. I suffered badly from anxiety before chemo and felt awful. Now everyone has said how well I look. My Oncologist told me that my hair won’t suffer so much with this chemo and it hasn’t. It’s just thinner but no bald patches. Your body will tell you what it needs. Good luck you will be fine.

  • Thank you for another positive reply. TBH my hair is so fine you can see my scalp all the time so I won't really miss it if it disappears. I'm glad you had a really good outcome. My first gut  reaction was to go nowhere near chemo but I think I'm coming around to trying it, subject to other test results allowing it. I wish you all the best for your continuing recovery.

  • Heya! I was diagnosed in September. I've had 12/12 rounds of paclitaxel and carboplatin, and I've just finished my third of 4 rounds of EC. I've been cold capping so I've still got most of my hair, I microbladed my eyebrows before treatment so I'm still able to frown Sweat smile

    I've been working from home part time on reduced hours during treatment, with lots of flexibility from my employer. Chemo hits everyone differently so you might find you can do everything as before or it might wipe you out entirely. If you're able to make a plan for either eventuality it might help you roll with things more easily. I'm currently working one week in three during my EC chemo and I don't think I could manage more than that. 

    The effects are cumulative so it's likely you'll bounce back a bit less each round. I've continued doing weight training throughout as it helps my body and mind, and I've been walking at least twenty minutes most days. So whilst I do get tired, I'm still able to function ok. My biggest tip is get on top of your bowel health early! Take stool softeners before your first infusion to be on the safe side, I have suffered a lot with anal fissures and bleeding and it takes ages to heal from when you're on chemo. 

    You'll be through it all in no time. Good luck to you!

  • Thanks for telling me about your experience. I'm afraid your tip won't help me as I suffer from the problem already and I have done so for years. I appreciate your concern though.

    My employer, management and colleagues couldn't be more supportive. I'm very lucky that way. Whatever happens with my treatment they will back me all the way through.

  • Hello. I’m soon to commence the exact same regimen except 3 sessions of the EC after taxol and carboplatin. I am also going to try the cold cap. I’ve been following Paxman for tips on the cold cap, good fit etc. I note the taxol is a 3 hour infusion and the carboplatin is 1 hour infusion. With the cold cap I’m thinking it will be a very long day in the hospital? What did you take to occupy yourself? 

  • Hi. I haven't started on any treatment yet. I'm still deciding whether to have it or not. I'm a bookworm so I'd take a book but also headphones and a charger. Good luck with your treatment.