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Hello  I went for a mammogram on the 28 th February  now I've been called back to an assessment clinic 21st march I have got a spot on my boob that everyone has said is a spot it started off as red but then started healing    I have been a nervous wreck all week ,crying ,shaking  I had to go to the drs yesterday to get something for anxiety and sleeping   I've been looking for reassurance all week  I've been though hell and tomorrow I find out 

  • Hi Sadgirl58,

    Welcome to the forum noone wasn't to join. However you have reached out and this is a supportive forum.

    It is a scary anxiety provoking time. The unknown. Hopefully you get some good news tomorrow and they just want to double check.

    There are loads of treatments available now once you know what you are dealing with.

    I was in your position last May since then I've had op, chemo and radiotherapy. Now in remission on Letrozole.

    Please use the macmillan nurses and cancer care also for support. Once you know for definite what you are dealing with you will feel more in control. It's the not knowing that is worrying.

    Please be kind to yourself. I wishyou well tomorrow. Keep in touch and update us. Sending hugs xx

  • Thank you  I think it's the waiting game from mammogram's to being recalled in my case that was a week but one hell of a week then anxiety I had ,crying all the time ,not sleeping ,not eating very low emotions all over the place 

  • Yes I empathise with you it's the worst time. The unknown and the waiting is unbearable. I also cried lots, feared the worst. Went to worst case scenarios. I think we all do while waiting. Do what you need to get through to the results time. Try to distract yourself with things you enjoy. Speak with others like myself who have been there and had treatment.

    My first mammogram I was recalled had a further mammogram, ultrasound and when they went to biopsy the area was clear so didn't have biopsy. At that time I was cleared not sure what showed up on mammogram. 

    This time around I had a lumpectomy that was very evident and didn't go away.

    I do hope you get good results tomorrow. I hope you get a good night sleep. Try to visualise something nice. Take your mind off it, plan a holiday, redo your house in your head and hopefully you will fall asleep.

    Let us know how you get on xx

  • Good luck today Sadgirl58 sending you positive hugs x  Let us know how you get on today.

    Lee x

  • Hope all goes well for you today Heart

  • Hi  not really I had to have a biopsy as they found they  a lump  on my right hand  boob under my nipple  send it off to the hospital to have it looked at in the peti dish 

  • Good morning Sadgirl I am so sorry to hear about the lump,  more waiting for you is terrible.  I hope that you get a positive outcome.  I think the waiting in between tests and appointments is the hardest thing ever, my mind always goes into overdrive.  Here for you.  Sending hugs.

    Lee x

  • Hello  leeloo  yes my mind goes into overdrive  they said the lump was only 5mm but what's going through my mind is did they measure it correctly what if they have it wrong and it's big  my partner said they don't get it wrong they would of measured it correctly before it went off to the lab Hoping it's a fibroid