TCHP treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 497 subscribers

Had first round of treatment today, it went well. Also using cold cap, as advised, first 10 minutes definitely brain freeze but after that got used to the cold and didn’t really bother me, just wrapped up with layers and a blanket. Not looking forward to any side effects so fingers crossed they aren’t too bad.

  • Hi Zog

    I am sorry to hear of your breast cancer and chemotherapy.

    I had endometrial cancer but used the cold cap throughout my chemotherapy. It was definitely the first few moments when the brain freeze was at its worst. 

    I found I still shed some hair and this is normal, so if it does happen with you, don't worry. It's not a sign that it isn't working. You might find on the next one they offer you a theatre cap to wear under the cold cap to protect your scalp. With each shedding there is less hair so it can feel colder. The theatre cap makes it feel more comfortable. 

    I found any side effects from the chemo were worse for the first week and then would improve. 

    I will pop a link to some info on the scalp cooling that I previously put together. For me it was something that was well worth continuing. I know at times I felt worried it wasn't working but over all I found it successful. It helped me cope better with the chemo. 

    (+) The Changing Faces of Cancer- Scalp cooling, Hair loss and Regrowth. - Macmillan Online Community

    I hope that any side effects settle quickly for you and remember you can always give your hospital a call if you need to. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks for your reply and link it has out my mind at rest a bit Kissing heartx