I'm a 48 year old who had a biopsy for a lump I noticed in my right breast. All indications were that it was benign, even letter dictated to GP stated it looked like a Fibroadenoma. I had a benign lump removed from the left breast in 2020. So expected it was the same again.
I was completely blindsided by the results. Grade 3 invasive ductal cancer which has already got into my lymph node. Oestrogen receptor 5/8. HER2 negative.
They want to start with surgery lumpectomy and removal of all my lymph nodes. Then decide on radiotherapy/chemotherapy etc depending on what they find during surgery
I haven told work yet. What should I expect with recovery from surgery? What’s the range of recovery times? How incapacitated will I be?
At the moment I feel like I’m in the twilight zone as I feel fine. No idea what to expect with illness, time needed off work etC. Haven’t told many people as not ready to deal with their reactions yet. Dreading telling my parents.
Hi 90cinecat,
I had grade 3 her2neg, erpostitve prpositive. Last May. I had lumpectomy and removal of sentinels June 5th I healed very well from the surgery. Your not able to drive for 2 weeks, no heavy chores etc. I had day surgery. In for 10amhome for 4.30. They give you gentle exercises to do.
I had chemo July to September and radiotherapy in Oct. Now on Letrozole and bone infusions.
I didn't work from June last year just returned Feb this year as I was front facing with the public.
The side effects from my chemo were the worst I didn't have a good experience however some people work through their treatments.
Everyone is different, listen to your body and chat with others on here. Use the macmillan nurses and cancer care for support they are brilliant.
Good luck with your recovery. Happy to answer questions about my journey if helpful. Xx
Hi 90sCineCat
I have a similar story, lump expected to be benign but turned out G3, Invasive, ER/PR +. That was in January and its been non stop, I'm now 2 weeks out of my DIEP flap mastectomy. This is the first time I feel "unwell" as I can physcially feel discomfort in my body - whereas like you, right up until I walked into the operating theatre I felt very well and healthy. I would say treatment effects everyone differently, dont give yourself any fixed dates, listen to how you are feeling and be kind to yourself. I had a lumpectomy/segmentectomy 23 years ago and recovered very quickly - many people didnt know until I had the chemo.
Good luck, you've got this x
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