Negative thinking

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  • 494 subscribers

Hi everyone I’m new here and hope everyone is doing well. I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer six weeks ago  following investigations into a drooping eye lid. All my bloods CT, lumbar puncture and advanced mammogram in November clear. It was biopsy of my eye socket that diagnosed this so 

to say I was thunder struck is an understatement and whilst I’m trying to stay positive I’m struggling with negative thoughts, does anyone else experience this and does it ease ?

I was commenced on Letrazole four weeks ago and so far so good and expecting to be commenced on targeted therapy at my oncology appointment this week

  • Hi Springer mum,

    Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately negative thoughts are always there when first diagnosed and when in treatment.

    However once you've had time to process your thoughts you can look more positively to the future when in treatment.

    I was diagnosed May last year. Had lumpectomy and sentinels removed, chemotherapy, radiotherapy now on Letrozole.

    I thought I was doing well then found another lump so the negative thoughts returned. However the outcome is good. Just been for another mammogram and ultrasound and it's just scar tissue. Thankfully. I'm not sure when if ever your thoughts return to being positive always.

    However you've joined the forum after what seems like a lot of tests and uncertainty yourself. The forum is very supportive and lots of individuals will share their experiences also.

    Make use if the macmillan nurses and cancer care also they are a great source if knowledge and support.

    I wish you well in your treatment. Keep us updated. Sending hugs xx