Feeling Guilty about being SO Frustrated

  • 2 replies
  • 493 subscribers

Hi all,

So I had a mastectomy with a partial tissue reconstruction, plus lumpectomy to other side in jan24. They made the new boob bigger cos I was going to have radiotherapy. 

March 24 I was put on the waiting list to complete the reconstruction - reduce, reshape and put a nipple on. Was told waiting list 4-6months

June24 I saw my consultant. I had developed cysts on the other nipple which made it very uncomfortable wearing a seat belt or a bah over my chest. Now told waiting list 6-8moths. Consultant said to move me up in priority.

Feb25 I phone my bcn to enquire. A bcn called back saying no record of being moved in priority, but she would speak to consultants secretary. 

Nothing since. My boob is still a bigger blob than my other and I still am uncomfortable. I was looking forward to getting myself attractive new bras aa a well done to myself, but still can't. Instead it's hanging over me making me unsure about booking anything in case I get called in. But my self esteem about how I look has plummeted. I've never been particularly bothered about how I look, but this has effected my intimacy with my husband and put me on a real low for a few months now.

I feel guilty that I'm frustrated by this, cos they got rid of the cancer and there are folk out there at the beginning of this journey. But I feel like I can't get on with my life and that I'm no longer important - just left hanging... aimlessly. Just writing this has started me crying again. I thought I'd got past the worst, but it's just dragging. 

Sorry about the rant, but thought it might help to get it off my "chest" cos can't speak to anyone... I'm cancer free I should be more grateful and just satisfied with that.

  • Hi  , I think your frustration is entirely understandable. You’re in limbo, waiting for a date for the op that will hopefully let you get on with whatever is going to be your ‘new normal’ boob wise. But with no idea when the op will happen. And in the meantime you’re uncomfortable and your self esteem is plummeting. So please do rant and rave here as much as you like, it’s definitely good to let your frustrations out. People here ‘get it’ and someone might even pop in with some practical advice. Sorry I can only offer sympathy! Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, sorry you find yourself in limbo again!  I totally get how you are feeling.  You are so uncomfortable and have been through a lot already.  I went to action cancer for counselling and I found it really helpful.  I had counselling g twice before for work issues and I found that a waste of time but Action Caner counselling is so good I couldn’t recommend highly enough.  The counsellors know what you are going through and can really help.  Please don’t shit your husband put.  I’m sure he loved you the way you are now and is hurting because you are hurting.  I hope you get sorted and get back to how you want to feel very soon.  Virtual hugs xx