Radiotherapy after lumpectomy operation

  • 15 replies
  • 496 subscribers

I had my operation on the 21st February, 25 which went well. My scar was a bit weepy but that cleared quite quickly.

I’m starting radiotherapy Friday 7th March. I’m hoping that the side effects won’t be too bad. Good thoughts to everyone on here that has been affected by cancer.

  • After radiotherapy my skin looked a bit red and felt slightly sunburnt but no more than if I’d spent half an hour (no longer) too long in the sun. The Doublebase cream I was given really helped moisturise the area. 

    I hope you recover quickly and all is well. 

  • Hi  

    I’m glad your op went well and you sound to be quickly healing. I had the same last April and was also fortunate to recover quickly. Radiotherapy was no real issue, same as  I had a tiny bit of pinkness but that soon went away. Two weeks after treatment I had one weekend where I was really tired so had plenty of naps on the sofa. This soon passed too and I’m back to my normal happy and healthy life.

    I hope it goes well for you too. x 

  • Hi Jules8591,

    I'm glad you sound like you are recovering well from your operation.

    I had op, chemo then radiotherapy. Now on Letrozole. All from June last year. I don't recall many side effects from the radiotherapy. I recall some tiredness a few weeks later and some discomfort in my breat but both quickly passed.

    Good luck with your recovery xx

  • Hi

    i had lumpectomy last May, chemo from August to December then 9 radiotherapy sessions in January. Out of the 3 major treatments it was by far the easiest. As long as you moisturise regularly (I did it 3 times a day and used flamigel), and keep yourself hydrated hopefully you won’t have any bad side effects. I had slight soreness and redness followed by a suntan on the treated area. I did not have any fatigue. 

  • How have you been on letrozole I've been put on that I'm due to start ot today. Do you have any side effects?

  • Hi , 

    I had a lumpectomy last August and in Dec started 5 days of radiotherapy , I only had a couple of side effect and that was tiredness and area slightly red / sunburnt feeling . 
    don’t worry too much , your usually in and out in half an hour wishing you a speedy recovery x 

  • My friend has her op next week and then will have radiotherapy.

    please can you give me some advice for a care package that I can put together for her. She’s already got lots of flowers and snacks so I want to get things that she will need. Was there anything in particular you would have loved or used lots? 
    thank you I’m feeling a bit lost x

  • I received books and magazines and nice soap (my favourite was geranium scented goats milk soap which was very moisturising). I also received handcream (lavender is quite relaxing). 

  • Thank you for your reply. I had my first radiotherapy yesterday and had an immediate reaction it was hot a bit pink and felt a little sore. It’s not bad today I moisturised well and drank plenty of water. So fingers crossed next weeks sessions will be better, hopefully. 

  • Hi Eebee, thanks for your message. My op was January not February my brains a bit daft after not being able to take oestrogen! I wish you to continue being well.