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Hi, I have been reading for sometime but this is my first post. I have Idc and had a lumpectomy and another op. to clear margins. Also have at least one node involved

I am due radiotherapy in the next month and my question is has anyone with fibromyalgia had radiotherapy and could offer their advice as I am really anxious about getting through the sessions due to the pain I have especially in my ribs,shoulder blades and back muscles. Any help is much appreciated

  • Hi, I don’t have personal experience of these problems but have just finished radiotherapy and had some other issues. The treatment team were fantastic - they asked how I was doing each session and made additional checks and adjustments as needed. I think your oncologist might also help here. 

    wishing you all the best X 

  • Hi Jebba,I don't have fibromyalia. However, I have recently had radiotherapy following my lumpectomy and chemo. I still felt the effects of chemo. Like Bobof said, the staff were brilliant and caring and made sure I was comfortable during my sessions. They take their time with you to make sure you are comfortable.

    I wish you well  in your recovery xx

  • Hi, I don't have your condition, I can only advise based on my experience of radiotherapy.

    I had 15 sessions over three weeks. Each session the radiographers took care to ensure I was in the perfect position- that part takes time.

    You lie on a metal bed which is sloped slightly upwards- no padding so you don't move. There is a head/neck holder, and either side of this there are arm rests/holders. You have padded cushions under your knees. Above your head there are two plastic 'rods' one each for your hands to hold onto to. There is a feet bar so you don't move down the bed.

    I knew instantly when I was in the correct position as I felt comfortable and remaining in that position was not difficult at all. It's quite relaxing after the first couple of times -because you know what to expect.

    The radiotherapy itself lasts only a few minutes.

    I got myself prepared before I went to my sessions by going on YouTube- there are videos by the Cancer Trust, these are excellent and explain everything. You can see the patients on the machines, and the radiographers at work.

    Asking for help and advice is the best way forward, and you've already taken the first step.

    Wishing you all the very best x

  • Hi Jebba, I have Fibromyalgia and due to start Radiotherapy soon also. I suffer mostly in my legs and lower back but have had times when it is in ribs, shoulders and upper back. I don't know what to expect but am fearing shoulders and rib area to flare up in response. Following my Lumpectomy it flared up in the upper body and rib and chest pain was very uncomfortable to a point I was convinced a rib was broken. It also meant I healed slower and am now very tender with extra extra nerve sensitivity (feels like being cut with glass) in the operated boob. Looking at the positioning we have to undertake during Radiotherapy and the location I think it will be inevitable that we will experience some additional discomfort. Fatigue has been my worse enemy for the last 2 weeks so I am also expecting that to play its role. We won't know for sure but I do believe we can assist ourselves with being mentally prepared and calm. I hope all goes well for you. Big hugs xx

  • Thank you for your reply. Yes it is the positioning that I am worried about. Most of my pain at present is s holders and ribs and lower back. The Consultant was adamant they would be able to help me so I am trying hard to believe them and stay positive though 15 days are a long time to be ok

  • Hi, I have just had clear margin results today from my 2nd lumpectomy which I'm obviously very happy about!

    I have Fibromyalgia, my first recovery was dreadful and the pain of my fibro was worst than the breast pain, I struggled to sleep raised up which only added to the pain and exhaustion. I was better prepared for the 2nd one but it has still flared up!

    I too have Radiotherapy in a few weeks so interested in the comments. I suffer a lot of skin itching as well and this worries me for keeping still, also lying flat on a hard surface is a struggle for me.

    I have also been put on Letrozole and my Surgeon tells me to expect the fibro pain to get worse!

    However, I know the Radiation is only for a short time and I'd rather go through this than have Cancer so am staying positive and thinking I can do this!

    Good luck with everythingGrinning