found out had grade 3 3cm tumor in left breast, ER + and PR + and HR2 neg, spread to lymph nodes just after Christmas . Had first appointment with less than sympathetic oncologist who said that I had ‘indeterminate’ white something on sternum following CAT scan. Which she said could be cancer spread in which case incurable.
have PET scan on Friday with results next Tuesday. Am totally dreading it. Not sure I can take any more bad news. This has come after 3 years of a messy divorce and the year of my son’s A Levels. I’ve got a great group of amazing women around me but no one else can really understand how scary this is. Has anyone else had PET scan??
Can’t even focus on the Chemo, surgery, radiotherapy stuff yet. Any help gratefully received as looking at the threads there are some really positive people out there!!
Hello Kav50,
Your oncologist shouldn't have used the word 'incurable'. Even if there's cancer in your sternum, this does not mean they cannot operate and remove the cancerous growth especially if it is localised. I really hate it when people speak before they think which cannot be excused in a health professional when dealing with a patient diagnosed with cancer. Stage 3 is considered curable in most of the cases so please don't be unnecessarily upset. Try to stay calm (easier said than done!) and wait for your PET scan. Everything crossed for Friday!!! Please do update on your results when you have them! Big hug,
Lana xx
Hi Kav50,
My first experience was not a positive one. I went from bring told it was probably a cyst to no its cancer and treatable with radiotherapy. However my results came back and the only word I heard was aggressive cancer. I was devastated.
However I spoke with a macmillan nurse who was very kins and supportive and explained it more.
She said they no longer use the word aggressive. It's too harsh.
I was her2neg erpositive and prpositive. I've had my lumpectomy and sentinels removed, because it was grade 3 I had chemo and radiotherapy. Now on Letrozole and doing well. My diagnosis was May. I returned to work this week phased return.
Please don't sit on worries. Phone the macmillan nurses who explain everything in layman terms and are more positive and supportive.
I hope you get thr support and treatment you deserve.
Be kind to yourself, sending hugs xx
Thanks so much. Good to hear all you amazing women doing ok. It’s tricky navigating all the appointments/what it means and quite frankly the often totally negative (I fully understand their need to outline risks / side effects etc) medical profession. It’s uplifting to hear that you can get through it and get to the other side!!
Hiya, I was told in Aug that my lump was cancerous and I had some lymph node spread so they were sending me for a CT scan just to be on the safe side. Got those results from a different consultant who has scarred me for life and had me thinking all sorts as it looked like there was spread but ‘not in keeping with the usual spread of breast cancer’.
I was then sent for a PET scan which confirmed what they thought on CT scan - I have extensive spread to lymph nodes in collar area, chest area and deep in the centre of my chest and also into my liver. My original consultant gave me the pet scan results but I had taken a diazepam and so was a lot calmer. I was devastated and they had me thinking I was going to be bombarded with chemo and be really ill and out of action and even told me I might never be able to return to work!! I was 49!!! Cue 2 days of feeling the worst I’ve ever felt and thinking the absolute worst, until I met my oncolocgist who is the most calming, understanding man I’ve ever met. That was in September and I’ve only cried once since then.
I promise you once you know the full story and have your plan in place you will feel so much better. Even though I’m stage 4 and mine is both inoperable and incureable, it is highly treatable with lots of different lines of effective treatment that can be used.
I’m actually going for my first scan results since starting my treatment this morning so I’ll see if it’s been doing its job. I’m jittery but I know there’s lots they can do even if this one hasn’t worked.
I’ve found this forum and the MacMillan helpline to be an absolute saving grace particularly in the beginning stages which are so uncertain.
Please keep us posted on how you get on and good luck
I think you can switch. I read somewhere that we as NHS patients have the right to change our consultant if not happy for any reason or ask for a second opinion if in doubt about diagnosis, treatment, etc. I cannot advise on how to go about it, but you can always ask your GP (if you are lucky to have a nice one!) and they should be able to assist. Don't be shy and do ask them! The very best of luck! x
Fingers crossed for your scan!!! There's always a chance to go into remission regardless of how advanced your cancer is, especially with all new treatments like you yourself said! The very best of luck with your treatment!
Lana xx
Hi all,
Massive thanks for all your responses. Just want to get on with whatever is next now, as you all say the waiting is the hardest. Time passes though so only another 6 days to wait. Your messages have been so helpful so massive hugs and hope you are all doing well.
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