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  1. I’m newly diagnosed. Feeling a bit paranoid about the supplements I’ve taken in the past and currently take. I had ME years ago so supplementing was a big part of that recovery. Apparently collagen is an absolute no? I  will speak to my oncologist when I see one after surgery some time. It feels like another cold turkey to come off multivitamin and hrt overnight. I really think magnesium helps me sleep.  I’m feeling ok but I’m worried about keeping well before my surgery on 11th. Lots of people are sick with flu etc. Any thoughts appreciated from this supportive group x 
  • Hi Joanofarc, I'm assuming from your message that you have been diagnosed with a hormone fed cancer? Unfortunately collagen is considered a no however multivitamins should be fine, if you end up on hormone blockers I would definitely recommend vitamin D tablets.  Magnesium should also be fine but check with your oncologist. HRT is a bit of a debatable, generally considered a no and my doctor said no however I have seen some people on here taking it as well as tamoxifen but just accepting there may be a risk.  With your op so soon, I would probably wear a mask when shopping just to reduce the chance of infection, lots of people do now anyway.  Wishing you all the best for your op on the 11th xx

  • Hi

    Sorry to see your recent diagnosis. My cancer is hormone fed too and I have found stopping HRT a struggle.
    I was also taking Collagen for a good year before and also told to stop. Since stopping I’ve noticed the elasticity in my skin just isn’t the same and joint pain.

    I was told Vitamin D is ok to take and am waiting on a reply from my Oncologist regarding Magnesium and Turmeric. I found both of those did help with sleep and joint pain a little .

    I’ve started chemo now so waiting to hear if I can take during or not.?

    It’s difficult to know what to do. The thought for me having to face Menopause without supplements/ hrt/ help scares me. Especially once I have to take Tamoxifen and it wipes out what hormones I have left .

    Be interesting to see what they advise you xx

    Take care xxx

  • Thank you. Yes hormone fed. This is really helpful thanks. I’ll ditch the collagen and just stay on magnesium and vitamin D until I see oncologist. And a mask from now on. Fingers crossed. 

  • It’s not a nice thought I agree. I’m really happy to let you know what I’m advised. Wishing you well. 

    • Hiya so sorry  to here about your news. I too was worried about herbal and vitamin supplements. IM through all of my treatment and was told during a recent course that you can take magnesium but not high doses. 
      have you been told that you can take collagen?, I do never have it a thought. I’m on Endo crime therapy as my cancer was oestrogen receptive. 
  •  Thank you. Good to hear you are through your treatment. A friend of mine who went through treatment but some years back  mentioned it but wasn’t 100% sure. And see newjourney in this chat. You might want to check. Im happy to share what I’m told when I see an oncologist after my surgery. My cancer is hormone receptive. Maybe not enough research has been done for definitive answers. Would be nice just to take a supplement designed for our type of cancer. I expect I’ll be told to just eat a healthy diet. Which in the main I do. I’d like to give up sugar but that’s a tough ask! Wishing you well 

  • When I say it I mean cutting out collagen

  • Ok, by recent course.. I meant to include it was an Endocrine course. 
    So di you know if you can take collagen after treatment?. I started 3-4 months ago but had no idea that you couldn’t , worried now

  • I’m afraid I don’t know. I really think you would have been advised if it were crucial to stop any supplements. I haven’t been told anything, I’m jumping the gun by trying to find out.  I‘m sorry it’s worried you. Perhaps contact a MacMillan nurse or ask one of your medical team when possible. Feels like there is a lot to worry about. 

  • I asked during treatment and was told to stop taking supplements. My cancer was Triple negative so not hormonal. I asked after finishing treatment and was given Vitamin D from my GP. I was told not to take anything else. Your breast nurse will be able to help or find out for you.