Hello - and scared

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  • 498 subscribers

Hello everyone, I’m new to the forum. I received my bc diagnosis in early Dec and had a mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy on 19th Dec. Last week I went in for my results. They removed the cancer with clear margins but it has spread to 3 of my nodes so before deciding whether to remove I am being sent for various body scans to see if it has spread anywhere else. Bone scan and CT scan. The consultant said if it has spread somewhere else then we would be looking at management not cure. If it hasn’t then they remove the nodes and are confident of recovery (it’s hormone positive) with follow up treatments. I don’t have dates yet for scans but they said within couple of weeks, and next appt is 7th Feb for results.

The thought that if it has taken hold somewhere else then they wouldn’t be able to cure it is absolutely terrifying, more so than the initial diagnosis. I can’t stop crying and thinking about what ifs. I’m 45 with two young boys and can’t help my mind taking me to the darkest places. Any advice on how to cope would be appreciated. 

  • Hi SammyG I’m so sorry you are going through this. I haven’t got any advice but I just wanted to reach out to you because I’m exactly the same right now. I have ct scan this evening and mri tomorrow night and I’m absolutely petrified that it’s going to show that it’s in other places of my body.

    like you, I can’t stop crying and I can’t switch off from it. It’s a scared that I’ve never felt before.

    I’m 39 with 3 out of 5 children at home too.

    I’m here if you want to talk xx

  • Hi SammyG, my heart goes out to you, I will never forget how I was feeling waiting for those results with young children.  I was fortunate and mine hadn't spread past the lymph nodes however I thought I would just give you a few extra things to think about that might help.  If something is incurable today doesn't mean that a cure, new medicine or new technology won't come out.  I have a couple of friends with incurable cancer where they are being managed.  One was only given a year but 8 years on with new drugs he's in quite a good place, yes hes still got the cancer but it's not looking at winning anytime soon.  Another friend is on immunotherapy as it had spread to his lungs, the medical experts were absolutely shocked as rather than just managing it it disappeared totally from one lung and shrunk right down in the other lung.  All the time this is happening with my friends, researchers are there looking for new treatments.  I really hope the scans bring you good results.  I'm afraid I can't do anything to take away the fear whilst waiting for the scans but just wanted to reassure you that if the scans do show that it's spread it doesn't necessarily mean you won't see your children grow up xx 

  • Hi Lauzloo. I’m so sorry you are going through this too. It’s just the most torturous wait, isn’t it. Everyone says to think positive but that’s pretty much impossible. I’ve got everything crossed that your results show it hasn’t gone anywhere else. Will you let me know? Xx

  • Hi Cazh24. I’ve just said in my reply to someone else that it feels impossible to think positively but you’ve just shown that that isn’t true! There is always hope and light if you choose to find it, and I’ll remember your words when my mind takes me to the scary places. Thank you xx

  • I was in your position a few weeks ago, I was petrified of the ct scan and results. I had all sorts of sudden aches and pains and was convinced it was around my body.  But it wasn’t, I had a clear scan apart from boob. I know the fear that you have in you right now. It’s traumatising. I would ring any support lines and keep talking. I had my ct scan then waited 10 days for the results just to give you a timescale. Be strong. Be positive and take care xx

  • Thank you for replying. Yes, if I feel out of breath then it’s in my lungs! Totally irrational. I’m so pleased your scan was clear. Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s helpful to know how this has played out for others. Xx

  • It seems impossible and I feel like I’m being made to feel that my scary thoughts are almost irrational. 
    We can try some positive vibes together if you like.

    I won’t have the results until I go back on the 3rd..so it’ll be even more waiting Disappointed But I’ll post back 

    Thinking of you and always here xx 

  • Hi SammyG,

    I can relate to how you feel so much! I was grade 2 that was 2cm hormone positive and her2 negative. My consultant was very confident that my cancer would not be found in sentinel nodes; however 3 out of 5 nodes were positive. This news was worse than being told I had cancer. A huge shock to me and my surgeon.

    I went into a really dark place and was certain it had spread. The waiting for results for spread is truly awful, never experience worry like that.

    I had my bone scan and ct scan around 1.5 weeks after results thankfully there was no spread. I am now half way through preventative chemo in the hopes it mops up any stray buggers. I didn't have full clearance as waiting to decide this after chemo.

    I know everyone's experience is different but I did find solace in hearing from other ladies with a similar experience to mine that had some good news throughout their journey.

    I wish you lots of luck for your scans and got everything crossed.

    All the best with your ongoing treatment Revolving hearts

  • Hi Da1984. Thank you for replying - your experience sounds very similar so far, and you’re right, it does help to hear about other people hearing good news along their journeys. Thanks for sharing yours and I’m so pleased your scans were clear. Hope the chemo isn’t hittong you too hard Sparkling heart