Fairly newly diagnosed

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I am 46 years old and have been following these forums for a little while but have only just plucked up the courage to post. 
I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in November 2024. At first it was primary, 98% curable according to my doctors so this is how we shared it with my kids in a very positive way. We had a clear plan and understanding….

Unfortunately , the day my chemo was due to start, my oncologist pointed out that they had found nodules on my lungs and I need further biopsies. A number of tests and operations later, they confirmed that the cancer had metastasised. This shattered my husband and I as is so very different to what we had originally thought. A very different path and we have not yet shared this with our kids. I have now started chemo and immune therapy and feel like I am getting into a routine which gives me strength to know I am fighting this beast.

what I am finding so very difficult is integrating back into society, coming to terms with the new ‘normal’ which is so different to how things were before and also overcoming the fear of the ‘unknown’. 
I am dreading telling my kids that the prognosis is different to what we originally were told as well.

I would love to hear from people who are in a similar situation and make some friends here who I can talk to. I have a massive support network and am so grateful but I don’t think anyone really gets it completely, unless you are there. I certainly didn’t and cannot believe how much I have learnt since my diagnosis about Cancer. 
thank you for reading this, I look forward to meeting some people.