Waiting to have confirmed what I already know.

  • 2 replies
  • 501 subscribers

Have appointment Monday to confirm what I already know. Was first diagnosed 2020. Think it has spread as my hip as itis aching as well as other symptoms. Pretty sure I'm going to refuse treatment but not sure.  I am frustrated but feel it is a gift, although my focus is poor, and look-see no sleep, but I am able to be present and pause.  Completely fed up at the unfairness of it all.  

I've had genetic testing and I don't carry the Brac genes, so why? 

  • Hi Rosie Spirit Dog

    Welcome to the forum, I'm Daisy53 one of the Community Champions on this forum.  I'm sorry to hear that you are facing another breast cancer diagnosis.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer twice and I also don't carry the Braca genes.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your appointment on Monday.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello, I’m so sorry to read this. Have you thought about phoning the fantastic MacMillan medical team on 0808 808 00 00? They are open until 8pm tonight and everyday 8am-8pm. 
    You can tell them your thoughts and perhaps ask about the new treatments that have emerged since 2020, and there are quite few. I know people who were in your place eight+ years ago, got the diagnosis they feared, but are still enjoying life in their own different ways. We are all different, of course, but talking to an impartial expert could be useful for you. 

    a big hug to you x